Chapter 6- Lets try something new

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Emily's Pov-
I curled up on mine and Mitchs bed. I hadn't left the room since Elise went into a coma a week ago. I wasn't planning on leaving any time soon either. I hadn't spoke to anyone only Mitch the whole time. I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in" I said, my voice hoarse. Yasmin popped her head around the door and walked in with a glass of apple juice. She handed it to me and I nodded as a thank you.
"If you keep up this silence for any longer Emily your going to go mute" Yas said as she sat down on the edge of the bed next to me. I nodded. I knew what would happen, that's why I spoke to Mitch and Mitch only. To be honest I didn't know the point of this silence, but at the same time it felt the right thing to do.
I nodded my head and took a gulp of the apple juice before smiling slightly. Lillie had even cheered up slightly, I knew this because she was staying in the room next to us with Tyler and she cryed herself to sleep for the first 3 days. That girl can cry loud.
"Just come down for a little while please. It's not good just sitting up here and crying all day long" Yasmin said as she stood up. I sighed, the first sound I had made all morning, Standing up I placed the now empty cup on the side and walked over to Yasmin who had walked to the door. She grabbed my arm and dragged me downstairs where everyone was sitting in the living room. Everything was quite for once. That was untill Jerome turned around to see me and Yasmin standing in the door way.
"A wild Emily has appeared!" He yelled. Mitch jumped up and ran to me, scooping me up into a hug. Yasmin let go of my arm and went and sat down where Mitch was sat between Ryan and Jerome.
"Are you ok?" He whispered in my ear as I wrapped my arms around him.
I nodded and then shook my head.
"Guys I'll be back in a minute" Mitch said as he picked me up bridal style and carryed me up the stairs back to our room and locked the door before placing me on the bed.
"What's wrong Baby Gurl?" He asked me as he laid down next to me.
I sobbed into his shirt and just shook my head. "I just can't do this anymore. I can't live knowing that Elise could die at any moment. I over heard the doctors Mitch. She... She..." I was cut off by sobs racking my body again. I couldn't hold it all in, I've done that for far to long now.
"She what Em?" Mitch said, hinting for me to continue.
"She has three months or there going to pull the plug on the life support they put her on" I blurted out. Mitch froze and then got up and left the room. I heard a yell outside and then I heard a loud thump sound. I walked to the door to see Mitch yelling in the hallway and punching Elise and Ty's Door.
Jerome, Adam and Ty came running towards him and Jerome led him off. Not before he yelled something to me.
"Tell them Emily, tell them how she's going to die"
Tell them how she's going to die... That's basically what I just said to him. I told him his Best friend was going to die because she had no hopes of waking up.
"What is he talking about Em?" Adam said as they sat me back down on the bed in our room. I reached over for my notebook but Ty took it from me and held it out of my reach.
"Speak to us Em. Don't block us all out, we're going through the same situation as you are" Adam said as Ty threw the notebook onto the side table next to me.
How do I tell Adam that his sister is dying? How do I tell Ty that his Girlfriend is dying? How do I tell them?
"Well you see... Urmm.... Yeah" I said and then coughed covering my mouth with my hand. When I spoke my voice was all hoarse and croaky. I took another sip of the apple juice yas brought up and left up here before Ty nodded his head to continue.
"Elise has three months or there going to pull the plug on the life support they put her on" I said before covering my face with my hands. Adam tugged at my hands and he brought them down so I could see his face. Tears streamed from my eyes and he covered me in a hug.
"Emily it's going to be ok. Elise will wake up" He whispered in my ear. He let go of me and we both turned to look at Ty. He has his head in his hands and was shaking. Ty looked up at us, tears running down his cheeks, his eyes said it all.
"Why her? What did she ever do?" Ty said as he moved his hair out of the wrong eye. Elise liked to do that. Everything reminded me of Elise.
"I don't know why her Ty but she will wake up" Adam said a few tears spilling over. We all group hugged and they both started crying. I patted their backs and just wondered... What if she never did wake up? Call me a bad best friend if you want but I couldn't help but think it.
"Adam, If she doesn't wake up..." I trailed off as they both looked at me, they knew what I was going to talk about. The funeral.
"She won't need a funeral she's going to wake up" Ty said.
"Do you promise?" I asked. What could Ty do to wake her up that we couldn't?
"I promise"
I stood up shaking slightly and took a step towards the door.
"Elise would want us to still be recording and having fun whilst she's in a coma" I said smiling softly, the smile reaching my eyes for the first time since she went in.
"Yeah I guess. Ty do you want to skype Bashur and record Crazy Craft?" Adam suggested.
"But Elise..." Ty began but I cut him off.
"Ty look. We all know you love Elise but she would want you to be happy. If Elise isn't there to record with you for Crazy Craft then record with the others" I said.
"But who will help me finish our big house? Who will help me blow stuff up? Or make fun of Adam's Ovarie house with me?" Ty said sadly. Poor thing.
"Bash can help with the blowing up and making fun of Adams ovaries" I said opening the door and walking out with them following. Ty shoving Adam out the way to get through the door first.
"Now boys, I have a BajanCanadian to sort out" I said before walking off down the hall. I hesitated before knocking on the door Of the room I saw Jerome and Mitch walk into.
"Come in!" Jerome yelled. I heard a thump and then a chuckle.
"Not cool Jerome that was my ear" I heard Mitch mumble. I pushed the door open and Walked in. Mitch looked up from his hands and then looked back down at them, sighing.
I went in and stood facing him. A tear trickled down his face and Jerome moved over so I could sit down on his bed. I sat down and put my arms around Mitch and he wrapped his around me and we sat there hugging eachother.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier Em" Mitch said looking up at me and looking me in the eyes.
"It's ok... I love you Mitch" I said getting lost in his cute chocolate brown eyes that seemed to go on forever.
"I love you too Emily" He said and we leaned in and kissed right there.
I felt sparks and Mitch smiled into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his arms went down to my waist. I saw a flash go off from the corner of my eye as I opened them and closed them again. This kiss seemed to go on forever and ever and ever, not that either of us minded. We pulled away, my arms still around Mitchs neck and both of us looking into each other's eyes, me getting lost in the brown eyes of my Benja.
My phone buzzed and snapped us out of our little 'moment'. I gasped and reached into my back pocket of my Shorts and pulled out my phone. It was a tweet. Mitch grabbed the phone of me and then started laughing before handing it back to me so I could read it.
From @JeromeASF
Aw caught the #WonderCanadian couple in the moment. Cute or what? Kissing in an Elise and Ty pose, just maybe not kissing as much as them. :)
I laughed. And then glared playfully at Jerome once I saw the picture. I put my phone away in my pocket again and stood up. Mitch stood up aswell and grabbed my hand. I chuckled and kissed his cheek before turning back to face Jerome.
"Jeromeeeeeee?" I called holding in my laughter. I had to hold in my laughter... But but it was just so funny the expression on his face.
"Yus my dear Frosties?" He said as he turned to face the door. He walked towards it backwards and then suddenly opened it and ran out of it.
"YOU BETTER RUN FLUFFY!" Mitch yelled as I chased him out of the room. He was at the bottom of the stairs looking around for a place to hide. So I ran down the stairs and then jumped from the fifth step onto his back, knocking us both to the floor. I sat on Jerome's back not moving and ruffled his hair.
Everyone walked in and stared at me sitting proudly ontop of the Bacca.
"How the heck did that happen?" Ty laughed. Mitch shrugged and Jerome slurped.
"Check twitter" Mitch said. Everyone pulled out their phones and checked Twitter before everyone burst out laughing at what Jerome had out and the picture... Everyone except Ty. What did I expect? Him to laugh about a comment said about him and his girlfriend who was in a coma? If she wasn't in a coma she'd be joining in me in tackling Jerome and laughing about it with Ty, probably going into another make out session. But she's not here... She's not anywhere apart from in a coma.
"Let's try something new" Ty said eventually. Everyone turned to look at him. "What Em said earlier to me and Adam was right. Elise would want us to be happy like we just was, laughing at one silly thing. So let's try to be happy for her... for Elise."
"For Elise" Jerome said from underneath me.
Something new... happiness.... the first in a while.

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