Chapter 24- Where's Yasmin?

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Elise's Pov-

I looked around the room before realising something was missing. It was too quiet and someone wasn't getting startled by someone appearing out of no where... there was no Yasmin.

"Where the hell is Yasmin?" I blurted out. Adam turned to look at me and shrugged his shoulders.

"Adam don't shrug your shoulders, that's one of your best friends. Now seriously where the hell is she?" I snapped at him.

"Elise leave it" Ty whispered in my ear. I sighed and leant back against Ty, glaring at the floor.

Yasmin's not here and no one apart from me gives a shit. I thought they were better than that but obviously not.

"You know, if one of my best friends was missing, I'd give a shit about it and not just shrug my shoulders" I whispered to myself.

I felt Ty sigh. Looking up at him, I saw he was looking down at me.

"Why are you looking at me?" I asked him.

"Because your beautiful" Ty laughed back in reply.

"Umm guys... Guys the lovey stuff can wait, now is not the time" Emily stuttered from her seat next to Bash.

I looked back to the TV screen to see it had started flickering off. It turned on again but instead of playing finding Nemo, all you could see was the floor and shoes walking. It was so dark... so dark that you could just about see.

"Well, looks like little Miss Yasmin has woken up" A voice said. It was relativly loud so I assumed they were close to the camera, whoever it was.

The camera stopped moving as it was brought up from looking at the floor.

I gasped. There, sitting in an old metal chair was Yasmin herself, with a rag tied around her mouth.

"Say hello to your friends, Team Crafted is it?" The voice said again. The voice belonged to a male, I could tell that much.

Yasmin must have managed to slip the rag off her face and she screamed at him.

"You bastard! You sicko! Where am I?" Yaz yelled. He placed the camera down on a stand and approached the now shaking Yasmin.

She got no reply as he ran a hand along her shoulders, causing her to shiver from his touch.

"Now, your little friends are going to watch you slowly die" The voice said.

I jumped as he brought out a knife and started Cutting Yasmin's arms with it. Ty wrapped his arms around me and I hugged him tightly. I couldn't watch, I didn't want to.

Bashur let out a string of curse words as the camera went black. Words were being said in the background but what they were saying we couldn't make out.

But those last sentances that were said we all heard... very clearly.

"They arnt going to come and save you now Yasmin. It's a shame to see such a pretty face like yours go. Might aswell have some fun with you whilst I can" The man said.

"You won't get away with this James" Yasmin yelled and the Tv went back to finding Nemo.


"Okay that wasn't normal!" Preston said from where he was sitting.

"I thought the Tv stopped coming to life when Eli got out of the coma!" Alesa yelled. "It wasn't even this Tv that came to life though!"

"Okay everyone calm down" Lillie and Jerome said in unison. Jerome had his phone and was recording the Tv the whole time for a prank he was going to pull on Mitch.

"JEROME! Did you get all that on camera?!" I yelled jumping over the couch, rushing over to him and grabbing his phone.

He did get it.

I re watched it and paused it as a window came into view.

"Guys this window... The view that it gives of that massive Tree in that field, it's familiar to me" I stuttered nearly dropping the phone. "Zoom in on it Jerome" I handed him back his phone and he zoomed in showing me.

There it was... The faint outlines from shortly after me and Ty got together.


Ty squeezed my hand as he pulled me through the forest. He insisted on me having my eyes shut the whole time untill we got there.

"How much longer?" I questioned as he stopped suddenly.

"We're here" He said. I could tell by the tone in his voice that he was smiling.

"We are?" I questioned, just to make sure he was serious.

Ty let out a small laugh and started to walk forward some more, dragging me behind him. "Nah, we have to walk through the swamp, over the sticks and too the bear cave" Ty laughed.

"You idiot. You don't get bears here... at least I don't think you do" I replyed poking my tongue out in the General direction I thought he was standing in.

"Okay okay I'm joking. But we're here Elise"

"For cereal?" I joked.

"Lucky Charms" He replyed. It was a small inside joke that we shared with eachother and that no one else knew. "Here, open your eyes"

I opened my eyes to see we where standing in a big open spaced field. It was filled with Beautifull flowers, and in the center of it was a massive oak tree.

"It's beautiful" I gasped as I stepped forward into the flowers.

Ty came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Not a beautiful as you Elise" Ty whispered. I tilted my head slightly so it rested on his shoulder. It might have looked uncomfortable, but it really wasn't.

"Follow me" Ty said and he started walking towards the oak tree. He stopped and held out his hand to me and I went and took it.

"This tree must be so old" I whispered in Aw as we stopped next to the trunk.

"My great grandpa showed me this place. It's been around since he was a child. He told me to share it with my someone Special" Ty paused, "and that's what I'm doing."

"It's breathtaking. I love it here." I smiled. In the distance there was a rundown building, but that didn't take away the beauty of this place.

Ty reached into his pocket with his free hand and pulled out a pocket knife. He held it to the bark of the tree and started carving something into the wood.

He stepped back at let me see what he had carved onto the trunk.

'Elise and Ty = 5ever. Because forever isn't long enough'

I blushed and threw my arms around Ty, knocking us both to the ground in the process.

We laid amoungst the flowers and looked at the clouds. A butterfly landed right on my nose causing me to giggle before it flew off.

"I love you Ty, thank you so much for bringing me here" I said turning my head to look at him.

"I love you too Elise" He replyed looking at me.

It was like that one butterfly had brought along all its friends and they had settled in my stomach. I knew I was truely, madly, deeply in love.


I looked around frantically before rushing to the door. "I know where Yasmin is" I said grabbing a coat.

"Where is she?" Adam yelled at me, as everyone stood up.

"Let's just say... We're taking a trip back home Adam" I smirked and rushed to Ty's car.

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