Chapter 35- Lost and found

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Elise's Pov-

A warm hand rested on my shoulder and I looked up into the unfamiliar face of a stranger.

"Why are you crying?" They asked, their voice smothered in a thick British accent.

"Don't worry It's nothing" I mumbled. How they could tell I was crying, I don't know. The familarness of the voice hit me hard but I still couldn't piece it together with where I knew it from.

"Squid? Where are you?" Another very familar voice called. I shrugged my shoulders and rested my head on my knees again, finding no comfort on the park bench anymore.

"Over here!" The blue eyes stranger called. Now it was starting to bug me, where the hell did I know this from? God work brain work!

"Who's this?" The other stranger said as he stood next to his friend. I let out a muffled sob.

"I don't know, I just found this pretty girl crying on the bench" The guy said.

I looked up to see that the other guy had brown eyes and curly brown hair, and they both were a lot older than me.

"Thanks but I better be going home" I sniffed and got up. I gave the two a small wave and started to walk back to the Team Crafted house.

I was a long distance away when my phone started ringing.

(Bold Elise, Ittalics Tyler)


Good god Elise! You picked up!

What's up?

Ty's been looking for you! Where the heck are you?!

I'm on my way back from the park why?

Don't worry, Just stay where you are. I'm coming to get you, see you in 5.

And he hung up.

Confused as hell, I walked under a set on trees and sat on the pavement waiting for Tyler. Soon enough, Tyler pulled up in his car. I stood up, grabbed my phone from the pavement and jumped inside, only to be blasted by warm air.

I let out a small shiver. "Cold?" Tyler laughed as I nodded my head frantically. "Thought so" He said and turned up the heating even more.

In about 10 minutes we pulled up in the driveway and Tyler parked the car. I hopped out and just as I was about to knock, Jerome threw the door open and hugged me. Taking a little look over his shoulder, I could tell the house was manic.

"She's back!" Jerome yelled, nearly blowing up my ear drums. Luckily they were still intact, I think so anyway.

Everyone raced to the doorway and me and Tyler were dragged in to the living room. "Where were you?" Adam yelled engulfing me in a hug.

"At the park?" I said but it came out in more of a question then a statement. My eyes scanned the room, breifly looking for the one person that made my heart jump and flip and twist.But he wasn't there.

"Right okay" Adam said and slowly the crowd of people departed from around Tyler and me.

"So where's Ty?" I asked. The room fell silent and all eyes landed on me.

"Where's Ty?" I repeated, my voice wavering. I bit my lip, waiting for an answer, trying to hold back any tears that tryed to escape and run down the surface of my face.

"He went out looking for you. But he never came back" Bashur mumbled.

This wasn't good. Ty could be lost, hurt even! And no one knows where he is! Hell James or even one of James' friends could be out there.

My eyes made one quick scan of the room before making direct contact with Preston's. As If he could tell what I was going to do, he got up walked over to me and held open the front door.

"We'll be back!" He quickly yelled slipping on his jacket.

"Wait where are you..." Adam started, only to be cut off by me closing the door shut behind me.

"Where should we look first?" Preston yelled over a loud crack of thunder. I shook slightly, I hated storms, always have, and probably always will.

"Let's look back in the park where I was! He might have gone there to look for me!" I replyed.

What had turned into a search party for me, had now turned into a search party of two for Ty.

We took off running in the direction of the park, Preston with his hoodie up, me running with my hair flowing behind me.

If it had been any other day, I would have made a joke to how much I looked like I was in a film or a hair commercial. Yeah but not today.

We continued running, despite the fact that I was still quaking in my boots from the storm.

I closed my eyes quickly, still running. Only to bump into something and fall back onto the sidewalk.

"Ow" I muttered as I opened my eyes... only to see Ty standing there, with the two strangers from the park right behind him.

"TY!" I squealed. He was alright! He was alright! I jumped up and hugged him tightly.

"Elise, this is Joe and David. Or as you know them, Stampy and Squid" Ty said as I pulled away from him, keeping his arm wrapped around my waist still.

"Huh?" I questioned confused.

"Stampy and Squid, from when you were stuck inside of minecraft" Ty finished.

Oh so that's where I knew the voices from.


Hai my little fireflys! FreeFireMc here! Thank you guys so much I have so much to thank you for omg its unreal!

Yesterday (October 6th 2014) was my birthday, and today I was lucky enough to get 11K reads on My Brother's Who. I mean come on that's unreal! I'd like to thank aswell all my friends aka:

Mackenzie, Lilly, Jenna, Shadow, Wonder, Chloe, Ethan, Mike, Myst.

Thanks you all. Luv chu loads!

On a sadder note... this book is coming to an end. Yep in 5 chapters and an Epilouge this book will be the second completed one in the series. But not to worry! The third book in the series is coming out legit the day after or even the same day!

Anyways if you enjoyed this chapter make sure to slap that vote button with your headphones and have a nice day.

Take care my little Fireflys.

Luv chu!

~FreeFireMc out!

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