Chapter 28- Ambulance

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Mitch's Pov-

The paramedics lifted Yasmin up onto a stretcher and wheeled her out quickly.

My arm went around Emily and I pulled her close to me as she started to tear up.

"She's going to be alright? Isn't she?" Emily stuttered.

I tryed my best to smile for her, but it didn't work and she broke out crying silently.

I turned my head looking for Elise, and I saw she was hugging Ty and crying as they knelt on the ground. I'm glad she's awake though.

Adam rushed over to Elise and held out his arms as she hugged him. Adam then started sobbing and the situation seemed all too surreal.

"Elise?" My voice came out in a hushed whisper.

Elise turned her head away from Adam and when she saw me she got up and ran to me.

She hugged me tightly and hugged me tightly. "I'm glad your okay" She whispered to me. I laughed gently and nodded my head as I started crying.

"I'm okay" I responded as I let her go. Elise went back to Ty and he picked her up bridal style and she rested her head on his shoulder with her arms around his neck.

"Where's Lillie?" Emily said in a clear voice. I loved her voice, I could listen to it all day long if she let me.

But what she asked was a good question, where the heck is Lillie?

"I found her!" Jordan yelled from somewhere in the shadows.

Everybody rushed over to the shadows, everybody except me, Ty, Elise and Em. Why?

I'm not too sure.

The whole thing seemed to have been hiding amoungst the shadows since the day we met Yasmin. I'm not saying she's been a negative effect on our lives, she's been a positive in so many ways... it's just...

What if she doesn't make it? Alesa would be devestated... so would Adam, after all him and Yasmin are best friends. Bashur...

I can't even think about Bash, poor guy. He ended up riding with her to the hospital in the ambulance... He loves her so much.

"Lillie?" Somebody asked in the distance. I snapped out of my dazed trance to find that Emily had gone over to her.

Lillie sat on the floor her legs either side of her and she had her head down as tears dripped down from her face into the dark wood floor.

"Lillie are you okay?" Emily asked once again. Em got no reply as Lillie's shoulders moved as she sobbed silently.

"It's okay Lillie" I said going over to her and putting my arms around one of my best friends. Tyler came and sat infront of her and sighed softly.

"It's never going to be okay Mitch" Lillie sobbed. She started breathing heavily as she struggled to gain back her paced breathing through her tears.

"Lillie, it is. Yasmin's going to be okay, Just remember that after a storm comes the sun" I whispered quietly so she could hear.

Lillie looked up at me, her eyes full of hope and optimism as tears streamed down her cheeks and a small smile spread across face. "Do you promise?" She said pleadingly.

I looked down. That was something I couldn't promise... no matter how much I wanted too.

"Lillie don't cry baby please" Tyler begged scooping her into his arms.

He rocked her back and forth like she was his baby and wiped her tears away.

"Cheer up and let me see my beautiful bride to be" Tyler continued in a hushed tone.

It seemed like hours that we were sat there in the place that Yasmin was held hostage. But in reality it was only minutes, only a few seconds of the night.

"Mitch come on" A warm voice said as a hand was placed on my shoulder.

I looked up from the floor to see everyone, even Lillie, walking to the exit. Elise stood above me, a small hopeful smile on her face as she watched her boyfriend go through the door to comfort her brother.

"Thanks Elise. How are you staying so hopefull?"

The hopefull smile was replaced by a slightly sadder one. "Just... I was in her situation, where you guy's didn't know if I would pull through. Just months ago Mitch, that was me in that hospital bed... Me in that hospital bed in a coma on the verge of dying... If I can make it through that, then she stands a chance. I just know she does" Elise said and then walked out of the cabin leaving me standing there silently.

For someone so young, she was so wise and mature, yet she was the youngest of us all... And even acted like it sometimes.


Bashur's Pov-

She laid there weakly on the stretcher, her heart moniter beeping at a steady pace. Her slightly tanned skin was starting to pale from the blood loss.

My hands shook as I reached down and took her small fragile hand into mine. I tried to hold back my sobs, but it was near impossible as I saw the one that I loved laying on a stretcher, in the back of an ambulance, on the way to the hospital where she would either live... or die.

The beautiful brown orbs that I was longing to see stared up into my own as she blinked.

"Bash?" She questioned, her voice coming out slightly muffled through the oxygen mask. "Where am I?"

"Your in an ambulance on the way to hospital" I said softly looking down at our joint hands blushing slightly.

"Oh okay. Did they get him? Did they lock him up yet?" Yasmin asked curiously as she looked up at the ceiling of the vechical.

My shoulders slumped alittle as I thought of what to say to her. I decided the truth was the best thing right now. "I don't know. I know the police have got him, I watched them take him away when I finally was able to tear my eyes away from you."

"Oh that's nice" She said halfheartedly. She let out a small sigh and closed her eyes again.

Once I was certain that she was just asleep and that she wasn't dead, I decided just to let out all my feelings towards her whilst she couldn't hear me.

"Yasmin, since the day I first laid eyes on you, I was in shock. You were so unique, you stood out amoungst the others. I don't know if it was your bubbly personality or the way you just randomly appeared now and then but you had be captivated.

Since that day I couldn't stop staring at you, I was too scared to tell you how I really felt, in fear that you might not feel the same way. But Yasmin... I might not ever get the chance to tell you this again...

I'm in love with you."

I looked down as I finsished speaking and sighed softly.

All of a sudden the heart moniter started speeding up. Looking up panicking I saw she was awake with tears running down her face.

"Yasmin where does it hurt?" I quickly asked as she turned her head to face me. She smiled softly and let out a small laugh.

"My heart" She whispered.

I looked at her confused. But she was shot in the stomach...

"I love you too Bash"

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