Chapter 33- Cake Making

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Adam's Pov-

Ty knelt over my sister, trying to break her from her panic attack. "Elise please, everything's going to be okay just open your eyes. Please" Ty begged. He took her hand in his and lent over to kiss her.

I turned my head away, it was akward watching my best friend kiss my little sister. "T-Ty?" A small voice said.

I turned my head back to see Elise was now awake and in Ty's arms. "I'm here Elise" Ty whispered as he hugged her.

I smiled at Ty and nodded my head as I got up and walked into the kitchen where everyone was putting away the food we bought.

"Hey man is Elise alright?" Jordan asked as he put some bananas in the fridge.

"Yeah she's fine now, thanks to Ty" I replyed smiling. I was lucky to have then both in my life, I don't know what I'd do without them.

"Umm Jordan you don't put bananas in the fridge" Jerome pointed out as he took them out and put them on the side.

"Well I do. I like my bananas cold" Jordan smiled and put them back in the fridge.

"Whatever you guys, Should I start making the Nutella pops for Elise now?" Preston asked as he took three jars of Nutella out of one of the shopping bags.

"Yeah sure" Bashur said halfheartedly. I smiled sadly at him and he turned around and rested his head against the cupboards.

"Bashur can I talk to you outside a minute" A small voice said from the doorway. I turned around and saw it was Elise.

"Sure" Bashur sighed. He walked out from the room and Elise led him to the garden.

We finished putting everything away and Preston put the Nutella pops in the freezer to freeze. "What do we do about the Funeral?"

I looked over at Rob who had asked the question. "Good question Rob. Adam, phone up the hospital and ask them what they think would be best" Mitch said resting his head in his hands.

"Alright" I said and pulled out my phone, dialing the number of the ward that Yasmin was on.

I nodded my head as the spoke down the phone to me and gave a short reply. "Okay thanks for your help. Bye."

I looked up to the guys and they gathered round. "The hospital said to have a closed Casket, apparently you can see the gunshot wound going straight through into her stomach. They've got a date planned already, and they've got her a coffin aswell" I muttered.

One of my best friends was dead... And all we had to remember her by was her screaming and crying for her lost sister.

"That's depressing, knowing that the gunshot wound is still visible" Lillie said as she sat down on Tyler's lap. I nodded my head and watched as Elise and Bash walked back in.

It was silence for a while as Elise joined Ty's side and Bashur sat on the counter top. "Elise told me something amazing out side" Bashur started. "She told me that; at this age, everything is changing. Day by Day we don't notice, but just look back over the past year and you'll realise everything has. People you thought were going to be there forever aren't, and people you never imagined you'd be speaking to, are now some of you're closest friends. Life makes little sense, and the more we grow the less sense it will make. So make the most of it now, before it all changes once again, because in the near future, all of this is only going to be memories" Bashur smiled at Elise.

Sighing to myself I got up and looked at them all. "We need to get our suits for the funeral. It's in three days" I said to the guys.

They nodded their heads and stood up. Together, the group of us left the girls in the kitchen and went to buy suits.


Emily's Pov-

The boys left to buy suits, leaving us girls in the kitchen.

Elise stood up and started rummaging through the cupboards for food, and shortly she ended up with her head in the freezer.

"Preston made Nutella pops" Lillie said eating a pack of ready salted hula hoops.

"Preston made Nutella pops? He's a bae" Elise said, finding the draw where Preston put them to freeze. "Aw they're not done yet" She pouted and closed the freezer door shut.

A brilliant idea came to me and I grabbed Alesa's wrist and dragged her to the cupboards. "Cake ingredients lets go" I said making her laugh for the first time since her best friend had passed on.

"Got it Em" Alesa said and found the flour. August got the eggs. Eponine found milk, and Lillie found chocolate chips.

We started mixing up the cake mix, Lillie stealing a few chocolate chips here and there. Eventually we put it into a giant pan Elise found, and shoved it into the oven to bake.

"Holy budder creepers look at this mess" Elise pointed out.

She was right. Flour stained the black countertops and the isle in the middle was covered in egg yolk from where Alesa had dropped two.

"I got the eye of the tiger" August started softly singing under her breath.

"Fighter, dancing through the fire" I continued, making Elise laugh.

"Cause I am a champion" Alesa sang.

"And your gonna hear me roar" Lillie laughed.

"Louder, louder than a lion" Elise giggled.

"Cause I am a champion and your gonna here me ROARR" We all yelled and collapsed the floor in a fit of laughter.

"You guys are my best friends okay? Never forget that" I said taking August's and Elise's hands in mine as we all stared up at the ceiling.

"I won't. I'm pretty sure they won't either" Elise laughed.

I giggled at that and looked up at the ceiling.

The oven went off and Lillie took the cake out, placing it on the side to cool before laying back down on the kitchen floor with us.

"Love you guys" Elise whispered sleepily.

"We love you too Eli" We all replyed.

And eventually we all fell asleep on the kitchen floor, holding hands...

And covered in flour. What a sight.

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