Chapter 40- Forever

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Elise's Pov-
I woke up in the morning to hear sounds of shouting and yelling coming from downstairs.

Groaning I turned over to see Ty wasn't there next to me. I assumed he was downstairs.

Getting up more willingly then yesterday was easy, untill the memories of last night came flooding back into my brain.

A tear rolled down my cheek and I wiped it away quickly and looked down at the locket on the necklace Alesa gave me. It was a beautiful crystal blue dolphin with a music note behind it. As I looked at it, I couldn't tell or understand why she gave it to me. Maybe as a memory of her? But even then, surely she would want to give this to her own children when she had any.

I walked towards the door, tearing my eyes away from the locket, and in turn, directing my thoughts to the yelling coming from downstairs.

The living room wasn't in a pretty sight. There was a smashed glass by the bottom of the stairs and the cusions off of one of the couchs where scattered around the massive room.

Preston came down from behind me, lugging his suitcase with him. "What's going on?" He asked me curiously.

I turned to face him as I heard Jerome yelling from the kitchen. "Nothing. Well I mean I don't know" I answered.

I had completly forgot that everyone was going home today. Even Stampy and Squid. Their plane had been cancelled and the only one they could get back to England for a while was today. I think I'd miss everyone being here. Sure it was cramped but still.

"Let's go down" Matt said appearing behind Preston.

I looked up at him and then down at the living room again. "Sure, there's broken glass on the floor at the bottom of the stairs, watch out for that by the way" I smiled.

We dodged the glass and the guys started to put the cushions back on the couch, leaving me to go into the kitchen were the yelling was coming from.

Adam stood there yelling at everyone and crying his eyes out. A letter in his hands.

That's what the paper on the table was last night.

Everyone was yelling back but it all grew silent as they noticed me standing in the kitchen, silently behind them.

"How long have you been there?" Quentin asked.

"Long enough" Preston answered for me. I was confused, why were they all yelling? Was it because of Alesa? Were they all blaming themselves? Or even eachother?

Lillie sat on the opposing side of the kitchen staring at me. I caught her gaze and she didn't turn away or look, but spoke as she looked directly into my eyes.

"She's confused. Why are you all yelling?" She asked giving me a small smile. Thanks Lillie, for asking the question I didn't want to ask.

"Alesa's gone" Adam muttered, tears running down his cheeks. Tears ran down my own aswell and I looked down at the floor.

"I know" I whispered.

"How?" Ian asked. He was stood the closest to me, but I had a feeling they all heard.

"I tryed to make her stay, I had a bad dream last night, I was walking to Adams room and I saw her and... and..." I was cut off by my own sobs choking in my throat.

I collapsed to the ground and cried. I cried and cried and cried.

Adam came over to me and Ty stood behind him. "It's not your fault" Adam said picking me up and hugging me tightly to him.

"It is. I could have stopped her.... I could have tryed even harder... I let you all down... I don't deserve to be your sister... I don't deserve to know you all" I sobbed.

Adam hugged me tightly, even tighter then before. "You're my sister Elise. Sometimes you can be a pain in the arse, but very rarely okay? You deserve everything you have. And I know for a fact that everyone here would fight for you in everyway, shape or form they can" Adam whispered in my ear as he let me go.

I nodded my head slowly and he handed me a letter. "This is for you, it has your name on it and it's from Alesa I assume" He continued.

I nodded my head again and stared at the envelope in my hands.

Someone rested their hand on my shoulder. "Do you want me to stay with you as you read it?" Ty asked.

I shook my head, no. Not today. This was something I needed to do alone. This was meant for me. And I need to be strong enough to read it without breaking down and having to rely on someone else.

I turned and headed out of the room only to be stopped by Stampy and the others all standing by the door.

"We're off now. We'll see you again soon thought don't you worry Elise" Jordan said smiling widely at me.

I nodded, still half out of it all, distracted by what the letter inside held.

"Okay" I said quietly. I have them all a small hug and wished them all luck on their ways home. And whilst I was doing that, the guys came out and said goodbye aswell. Jerome didn't want to let Eponine go, but he had to as she was going back to canada with her brother Bash.

As soon as they left including Annie, I walked upstairs to mine and Ty's room and locked the door.

Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, my back to the door, I slowly opened the letter and started to read it.

'Hello Elise,

As I assume your reading this, I guess I've already gone. I'm sorry. Sometimes no matter how much faith we have, we loose people. But you never forget them. And sometimes, it's those memories that give us the strength to go on. I've never been one for emotional goodbyes, so sadly a letter is all your getting. You can erase someone from your mind but getting them out of your heart is a whole new story. In the future, I'm probably going to wish that I never left you, that I had just stayed behind. But I didn't. I hope you understand why. I just couldn't live with myself living somewhere near Yasmin's old place.

I don't know how you do it, how you stay strong and brave for so long Elise. Because only god knows that I've had many faulters myself. There's been things that I've done and I'm not proud of. And I hope and swear that my goodbye is not the one to break you, you'll need that strength carrying on in life.

I'll be watching your videos everyday, just to see you grow up and mature, to know that your alright and doing well. So even though I may not be physically there, I'm always in the viewers and fans of yours like I was before.

I already regret what I'm doing, but it must be done. I'd only go insane and get depressed by staying there. But this will never really be our goodbye. It takes a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye, so I don't believe that it ever will be ours, because saying goodbye means letting go, and I'm not letting go of you or the guys just yet.

So I guess it ends here. We'll go our seperate ways... and maybe, just maybe, we'll see eachother in the future.

Keep the cats in check, don't let Canadian and Icee get too out of control.

You'll always be a little sister to me Elise,

Love you.


I sat there and started to cry. Why did this have to be our goodbye? Why did I have to let her go. Why does it hurt so much to say goodbye to the sister I never had?

The bed sunk as someone sat down beside me and I realised it was Ty. Someone must have picked the lock from the other side to let him in.

"She's gone Ty" I sobbed. It sank in well and truely. She was gone... Forever.
"Elise she'll never forget you" He comforted.
"What if she does though Ty?" I cried as he hugged me.
"If she does, she didn't mean to. You'll never forget her because you have a piece of her with you always."
My heart sunk in my chest as it neared quickly.
My eyes kept watering, as if they were trying to drown my eyeballs in sorrow.
Ty tilted my head upwards and he kissed me softly.
"And I'll love you forever."
That's the last Chapter of Stuck Inside With Who guys. Who cried ready that? *raises hand* god why do I mess with my own feelz??
I don't know.
So the Epilouge will either be up today or tomorrow but either way I love you guys so so so much.
I'll see you Fireflys later, I'm off to go cry some more.
~FreeFireMc Out!!

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