Chapter 39- Gone Girl

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Alesa's Pov-

I took a deep breath as we entered the house. Sure I was nervous, it's not everyday that you suddenly up and leave in the night.

It was getting quite late and everyone was tired. And slowly everyone went to bed untill it was me, Elise, Adam and Ty.

"Who wants to do a battledome with me tomorrow?" Elise muttered half asleep.

"Sure thing now you two off to bed you look like you'll collapse in a minute" Adam laughing sending them up to bed.

Elise stopped on the top step and turned back to me and Adam. "Goodnight" She said.

"Goodnight" We both replyed.

More like goodbye...

Adam turned to look at me and he kissed me quickly causing me to blush. "I'm off to bed. Come up when you're ready Alesa" Adam said as he stood.

He let out a yawn and waved as he turned around and walked up the stairs to bed. He smiled at me on the top step and then disapeared from my sight.

Everyone was asleep and I pulled out 13 envelopes. One for each of the team and their girlfriends... Oh and Lillie and Tyler.

I left them on the table and grabbed my bag from the side.

This was it... This was the last seeing this house for probably forever.

I slowly opened the front door and took a deep breath thinking about what Bashur had said.

Do I really want to do this? I guess I did.

"Alesa?" A voice said from the stairs...



Elise's Pov-

I sat up straight in the bed. I'd been woken up by a dream that scared me. Icee sat on my chest miowing quietly.

I cuddled her in my arms and I got out of bed and started walking towards Adams room only to see Alesa standing in the front doorway as I passed by the stairs.

"Alesa?" I asked.

She turned around and looked up at me, her eyes widening at the sight of me.

"Elise?" She replyed in more of a question than a reply. It was almost as if she didn't believe she could see me.

I looked at the clock on the wall. "Where are you going at 1am in the morning?" I asked, stifling a yawn.

Alesa looked down at the floor and then back up at me and let out a huge sigh.

She shut the front door and I came down the stairs. Together, we sat on the couch. It was silent untill she spoke up.

"I'm moving away" She whispered.

My eyes widened just like hers had only moments ago. "What?"

"I'm moving away" She repeated. I shook my head and held out my hand to her.

"No I heard what you said. But why Alesa?"

Alesa ran a hand through her short brown hair. "I can't live in the same country that Yasmin died in... I can't live around the corner from her old house. I'm moving away to get away from everything that happened" She stuttered. Icee miaowed from my lap and jumped onto Alesa.

Luckily, whilst we were away Annie, Quentin's Girlfriend, decided to come and visit the same day we left. So she fed Icee and Canadian whilst we were gone. She's upstairs asleep I think.

"Oh" I said. It was literally all I could say. I had nothing to say to that.

"I'm sorry" She said tears running down her cheeks.

"Don't be. It's your choice. And I respect that. When are you going?" I whispered as she stroked Icee.

"Now I guess" She replyed standing up and placing the white kitten down on the couch.

"Will... Will I ever see you again?" I had asked the dreaded question, the one that held the dreaded answer in the back of my mind.

It was silent for a while. "No" She eventually said.

Tears started to run down my face in an insant as the reality of this hit me. Alesa was moving away from us all... And no one would ever see her again. Ever.

"I want you to have this" She said as she took off her necklace from around her neck. She cliped it around mine and I held it gently in my hands. "It was my nans, she passed it on to my mum, and my mum gave it to me. I want you to have it" She whispered bringing me into a hug.

"Shouldn't you give it to you're children whenever you have some?" I asked curiously.

"I want you to have it" She repeated firmly.

I nodded my head and hugged her back tightly.

She eventually pulled away from the embrace and looked me in the eyes. I had a sinking feeling.

"Your leaving now arn't you?" I stuttered.

Alesa nodded her head slowly and tears ran even faster. I stood there as she walked to the door and opened it.

"Goodbye Elise" She smiled softly, and giving alittle wave she pulled the door shut.

I would never see her again.

I ran to the door and opened it as I ran into the street. Alesa had started pulling away in her car and I ran into the road after her.

She started driving off and shouted after her. "Alesa please!" I yelled. "Come back, I miss you already" I added in a whisper.

I nearly dropped to my knees in the middle of the road as I cried. But no, I walked back into the house, closed the door and went back upstairs and laid down in bed, crying still.

"Elise what's the matter?" Ty asked sleepily as he wrapped his arms around me.

"She's gone Ty. She's really gone."

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