Chapter 13- Deal With It

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Elise's Pov-
Stampy held Squid back and then I stood infront of him and brought out my sword.
"Herobrine is my friend. If you have a problem with that, take it out on me not him" I hissed at him. Squid got out of Stampy's grasp and tackled me to the ground and held his sword up to my neck keeping me down on the floor.
"Squid what are you doing!" Stampy yelled trying to get him off me. My eyes widened as I looked into Squids eyes and saw pure hate for me. I shakily closed my eyes and then I felt the weight of Squid gone. I opened one of my eyes and saw Squid being pinned down by Herobrine. Herobrine turned his head to look us and nodded to Ender.
"You have to go back to the castle Elise, take Stampy with you its not safe here anymore. The Squids have planted a controller in his body while he was asleep, their controlling him to get to you Run!" Herobrine yelled at us. I couldn't describe how I felt at that moment, I grabbed Stampy's hand and ran towards Ender dragon and climbed up on him. I lent down and pulled Stampy up and he sat infront of me.
"Let's go" Ender said and he let out a mighty roar and shot up into the air making the island shudder.
"That was a close call Elise" Stampy said as flew over the ocean.
"I know, I thought I was a goner for a second there. He took me by surprise I couldn't even fight back" I muttered. I felt bad for leaving Herobrine back there with Squid, I mean I know he can teleport and stuff but still, he's a good friend you can't blame me for being worried. Can you?
"Stampy what are we going to do now? We can't go back there" I whispered. Fear rung through my body and the thought of never seeing a good friend made me want to cry. It was bad enough that I was stuck in Xbox minecraft and couldn't see the guys back home.
"You'll be staying with us of course" Herobrine said suddenly appearing behind me. I screamed and turned around to see him laughing.
"Don't do that you douche" I said smiling and hitting him playfully. Stamps burst out laughing and turned around and we started to talk about the future and how we would try to get out of this game.
"We're here!" Herobrine yelled in my ear and I jumped again and ended up nearly falling off. Ender let out a chuckle and landed in the big room where Wither was waiting.
"Elise! Ender! Hero!" You've come back. I have your rooms ready and for the cat I have a present" Wither said dragging us through the halls. Ender shrunk down so he could come with us and he laughed at the front with Stampy and Wither leaving me and Herobrine at the back.
"It's not fair, why do the squids want me so much?" I complained. Hero rolled his eyes and let out a sigh as if it was obvious.
"Its obvious Your Sky's sister and Deadlox's Girlfriend of course they are gonna want you. They think that with you they can get to Sky"
Well they were wrong. I might seem small and weak but trust me they don't want to be messing with the wrong girl.
"Wait a second I can feel something" I said holding up my hand as Herobrine started to speak.
I felt a warm fuzzy feeling cross over me and I realised what was happening.
"Herobrine do that shocking me thing. Ty's kissing me in the real world I can feel it" I gasped.
Herobrine turned around and sent a bolt of lighting towards me. It hit me and everything went black.
I blinked. There was a light I tryed to go towards it but was held back by somthing. The feeling of not being able to move was terrifying.
A tingling feeling started in my feet and then moved upwards. I looked down towards the floor and saw as the tingling sensation slowly moved up my body, I was slowly turning from my minecraft Skin to my normal body.
A pain surged through where my heart was and I closed my eyes and kept my teeth gritted through the pain. It was unbearable I let out a shriek and everything went black again.
This time I was in a white washed room, facing a wall. I turned around to see Ty sitting by me in a chair next to my hospital bed. He cared for me. Suddenly Mitch burst in carrying a book with him. He thrust it at Ty and Ty's widened as he read down the page.
Slowly and carefully I made my way over to them and read over Ty's Shoulder.
"If your reading this then this is Herobrine. I'm writing on behalf on Elise, you see she's not here at the moment but she knows now that she can communicate with you. I'm writing this as your reading it so don't be suprised if words start appearing on the paper. Oh and by the way I can read Elise's thoughts and Ty she loves you very much. I'm trying my best to keep her and her cat friend safe in the game along with the help of The EnderDragon and The Wither" Ty read aloud.
I gasped, my book had travelled to the real world when I first wrote in it and they could read it and I could have a one way conversation.
"Oh. That's amazing" I gasped as Ty closed the book and handed back to Mitch who walked out of the room leaving just me and him and me again of course.... That totally makes sense.
"Elise please wake up soon I miss you so much. I just want to kiss you and have you kiss back, I want to be able to have a conversation with my beautiful girlfriend and to hug and hold her close" Ty muttered and held my hand. Tears ran down his face and soon they started running down my ghost state one.
The room spun around me and soon I could feel myself slipping away from the real world.
"Ty I love you" I yelled. Ty's head shot up and looked around the room. Did he just hear me.
"Hey buddy what's wrong?" Adam said walking in and straight through me. It felt so weird.
"I swear to god I just heard Elise" Ty murmured. Adam shook his head and face palmed.
"Ty she's in a coma... Deal with it, she isn't going to speak whilst in a coma is she?" Adam said in a joking way.
Ty nodded his head in agreement and then I felt myself slipping completly. Everything went black and once again the darkness took over.
It was that familar shadowed room. The tingling started up and once again I turned from my normal self to my Minecraft skin. The pain seared through my heart again and the dark covered me completly.
As I floated in subconscious a few sentances ran through my head.
"Elise please wake up soon I miss you so much. I just want to kiss you and have you kiss back, I want to be able to have a conversation with my beautiful girlfriend and to hug and hold her close" That was Ty.
"Ty she's in a coma... Deal with it, she isn't going to speak whilst in a coma is she?" That's Adam talking. One thing rang clear in my head and I kept repeating the phrase over and over in my mind.
Deal with it Elise, Your in a coma, your probably never going to wake up, your stuck inside Xbox Minecraft.
Deal With It.

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