Chapter 38- The Funeral

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~TimeSkip two days~

Elise's Pov-

Waking up today was not something I wanted to do. In fact, I would have settling for waking up to find all this Yasmin nonsense was a dream.

How lucky that would have been, yeah well it wasn't.

The day seemed to be calling me from my bed, wanting to force me into the unknowns of the day.

The day the held the dreaded Funeral.

Nobody was up for getting ready to leave, nobody wanted to except the fact that Yaz was really, truely gone. And she wasn't coming back.

"Do we have to get up today?" I groaned rolling over onto my stomach, trying to block out the noise of people talking downstairs.

"Sadly, yes. Come on, I'll make you Nutella pancakes before we get ready" Ty replyed wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I don't wanna though" I said into the pillow. Ty let out a laugh and his arms left from around me.

Only for them to wrap around my waist from the other side and pick me up. "Now you're up" Ty smirked. I nodded my head and yawned as he decided to carry me bridal style. He walked from the room and started walking down the stairs.

"No don't take me down there, atleast not when I look like absoult crap" I muttered through a yawn.

"Well I think you look beautiful as always" Ty said kissing my cheek.

We came to the door of the kitchen and he put me down and took my hand and dragged me in behind him.

"Morning" Ty said to the others as he dragged me in behind him.

A stiffled laugh came from across the room and I shot a look at the owner. Aka Lillie. I flipped her off and sat on the counter top with my head in my hands.

"Wow I'm sorry miss I'm-in-a-mood-so-don't-talk-to-me" Lillie replyed.

I looked up annoyed, what the fuck was her problem?

"Just piss of Lillie" I snapped.

I wasn't in the mood today. No one was.

"Do you know what, don't even go there you retard-" Lillie stood up and came over to us.

Tyler jumped in between us both and tryed to hold her back, only he failed.

"This is all your fault! If it wasn't for you being reckless.... Yasmin would be alive.... she wouldn't be DEAD!" Lillie yelled tears welling in her eyes.

My eyes started to water. How could she just say that? I wasn't in the mood to laugh and mess around today.

She had to take it this far? This is why I didn't want to get out of bed.

I'm crying already and the funeral hasn't even started yet.

I ran from the room and fleed to the safe haven of our bed, flopping down on it and curling up under the covers, crying my heart out.

Ty sat down on the bed next to me and held my hand in his. He told me not to worry about her, that she didn't mean it....

And that it was time to get ready for the days events.

I -unwillingly- got up and ready after Ty left the room. I put on my dress that Alesa got me, -It rocks hell- and curled my hair slightly. (AN image of Elise's Dress on the side/top.)

Then it was time to leave.


We sat down in the church as the funeral droned on. I hadn't spoke to Lillie, because she was a bitch earlier.

Soon enough it was time for Alesa and my performance... suprise performance.

We walked up to the front together and I went and sat behind the beautiful Black grand piano with soft ivory keys.

Alesa nodded her head at me and I started playing the opening bars of the song we wrote together.

(AN basically I cant find the lyrics but I'll link the youtube video to here. Its Braces to lipstick by DoddleOddle. :3)

The whole audience stood up in applause for us. Well really just for Alesa, all I did was play.


The rest of the funeral sped past, Yas was lowered Into ground and we all went home. Finally to a place were there would be peace, well the usual amount of it....

But I didn't expect the next news I was given.


Second update of the day!! 2 chapters and an Epilouge to go!!!!

Hope you enjoyed.

~FreeFireMc Out!!!

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