Chapter 18- Help

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Yasmin's Pov-
Today is the day I break up with James. I slowly got out of bed and made my way next door to the Team Crafted house only to come in to something that scared the living daylights out me. Bashur was standing behind the door, pulling the most horrifying face and making strange sounds, making me fall to the floor.
"Holy hell Bash!" I laughed putting a hand on my heart and trying to stop the minuture heart attack I almost received.
"Sorry I was bored, and I figured that you would be coming over so..." Bash laughed awkwardly, holding out his hand to pull me up.
"You been stalking me Bash?" I joked as we walked towards the kitchen. He blushed red and shook his head quickly. Hmm sure.
After hearing yelling coming from the kitchen and some laughing I stopped outside the door before walking in to see Emily and Lillie making a bunch of Video Quotes causing all the boys to laugh.
"Toast? why not pop tarts? Geez what were they thinking?" Emily yelled picking up a piece of toast and slamming it down on the counter causing Tyler to fall off his chair in a massive laughing fit.
"Hey Emily guess where I am?" Lillie laughed.
"I don't know where are you Lillie?" Emily replyed.
"In the Kitchen" Lillie yelled out. These people are mad.
"Hey Yasmin!" Eponine called from the other side of the kitchen with Alesa. I left bashur's side and walked over to them both before taking a piece of Nutella smothered toast. Seems like Elise isn't the only person that liked to completly drown her toast in chocolate.
"You breaking up with James today?" Alesa said. I nodded and stood up grabbing my bag.
"You leaving so soon?" Adam said.
"Yeah I gotta go somewhere" I laughed nervously and walked out. My mind went back to what I had told Lillie last night.
"I'm scared lillie" I confessed.
"Why Yaz?" She said putting her arm around me as I started to cry.
"James isn't really in a wheel chair" I sobbed "It was just a lie made up for the real reason I cant break up with him!"
"What's the real reason?" Lillie asked softly patting my back to calm me down.
"He abuses me Lillie. I'm scared" I whispered quitely but loud enough for her to hear.
"It'll be okay, I'm just a phone call away" Lille reassured.
As I walked down the road I jumped in my car and drove to his house. I opened my car door and walked down the path to his house.
Knocking on the door, he opened the door and smiled at me, the same cold dark smile he always wore around me.
"Come on in Yasmin" He said bringing me inside. "What brings you here?" he asked putting emphasis on 'You'.
"Well James, It's over between us. I don't have feelings for you anymore and..."
I was cut off by him throwing a glass bottle at me and narrowly missing my head.
"Your not breaking up with me are you?" He yelled at me.
I bravely nodded my head and reached into my pocket for my phone. He left the room in a rage and I started to dial Lillie's number.
I got halfway through when a blindfold was put over my eyes and a gag in my mouth. James started tying my arms behind my back and I screamed. My scream being muffled by the gag. He hit me across the head and I fell to the floor as I felt myself going unconsious, one thought ringing through my head.


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