Chapter 10- The Tv came to life again

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Emily's Pov-
My mouth dropped open at the sight of what was before me. It was the TV moving and playing on its own. But worst of all it was following around a Squid, a Cat and A girl that looking insanely familiar to Elise's skin.
That's when it hit me... That was Elise's skin.
"Hell..." Adam trailed off as Elise and her friends jumped through the nether portal.
"No no no no. Why did she go in there?!" Ty complained shaking his head at his girlfriend. She shot at a ghast that was attacking the squid and then continued to talk.
We continued watching and then she was cornered by Pigmen. I heard Ty hold his breath and he crossed his fingers. Suddenly Elise was teleported away and the camera view followed her.
"She... What?" Adam stuttered, Lillie and Jerome looked at eachother knowingly as did the others... Had this happened before?
"Yes" Lillie said answering my unvoiced question. Did I say that out loud or something?
"Yes" Lillie said again. Ohh... I need to stop doing that.
"You do its funny tho..." She was cut of as Tyler covered her mouth with his hand and we saw what had teleported Elise away...
"Herobrine" Ty breathed out before his eyes grew slightly angry. "I swear to god if that little lays a hand on her I will kill him!" He muttered.
"What was that?" Tyler said turning around. I mentally facepalmed... Tyler no...
"I SAID I'LL KILL HIM! HE BETTER NOT TOUCH MY BABY GIRL OR... OR... OR..." Jerome dragged Ty out of the room and I turned back to the TV.
It was a relief to find out Herobrine was good.
"And we are the UTOM" The Enderdragon, The wither and Herobrine said at once. The TV screeched and went blank once more.
"Guys..." I said slowly. They all turned to me and then I suddenly turned to stare at the wall.
"Emily..." Mimicked Alesa. I turned back to them all and bit my lip as I could hear Ty yelling from down the hallway.
"That... What will we do about Ty?" I said as Mitch wrapped his arm around me.
"Don't worry about Ty. He's a big boy he can calm himself down" Mitch smirked, earning a few chuckles from around the room... As for me...
"That's so funny!" I said falling to the ground of Ty's and Elise's Room laughing my head off like a mad man.
Adam dropped down next to me and stared at my face before poking my cheek and running out of the room.
"Okay. Your strange!" I yelled out to him.
"No I'm not I'm Adam!" He yelled back before setting us all off laughing again.
It was relief to know that Elise was in good hands that would keep her safe in game whilst we weren't there to. It felt like a load of pressure had been lifted off our backs.
I yawned and Mitch picked me up bridal style and carried me to our room before laying me down.
"Long day huh?" Mitch said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Yeah... I didn't get to see Elise" I pouted. Mitch chuckled and took the opportunity of my lips being pouted to steal a kiss.
I frowned playfully and then bopped his nose. He returned it and started tickling me. I let out a scream and wiggled (hehe Erin) out from his grasp and onto the floor.
"Emily where did you go?" Mitch said as I squashed under our oversized bed. It was a tight fit but I managed to fit underneath it. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing but a giggle slipped from between my lips. Mitch dropped to the ground and looked under the bed. His eyes met mine and we both burst out laughing.
"Okay I found you know get out from under the bed" Mitch laughed. I tryed to move to the edge of the bed but I couldn't...
"I can't!" I said laughing. I was well and truly stuck under the bed.
"Haha very funny now seriously Em get out from under the bed" Mitch said getting up. I sighed, I couldn't get up!
"Mitch I'm not joking I'm actually stuck under the bed" I said trying to get out again.
"I'm going to have to lift the bed up arnt I?" He said before laughing at my misfourtune.
"Its not funny!" I complained trying to get in stuck from under the bed.
"It kinda is! Hold on I got to Vlog this" He said going over to the desk to grab a video camera. "Hay Doods what's going on ThebajanCanadian or Mitch here and today here is my lovely girlfriend Emily aka Wonderstyle stuck under our bed" He showed the camera under the bed and I smiled.
"I cant do much under here" I whinned trying to get out again.
"So I'm going to be recording the whole process of getting her out!" Mitch chirped happily. I groaned and rolled my eyes as he walked out of the room talking to the camera still.
About 5 minutes later all the others came running in apart from Ty and Jason.
"Hai der Em" Jerome said slurping as he dropped down to the floor. I giggled and then rolled my eyes.
"Just get me out you dirty stinking Bacca I'm Tired!" I complained.
"Oh Ems under there alright" Lillie giggled. I shot a glare in her direction through the bed, even though she couldn't see it.
"Shut up Lillie and get me out!" I yelled.
"I heard my name?" Ty's voice came from the doorway.
"Oh no Em just said she was tired" Adam laughed. It was good to see Ty had calmed himself down.
"Where is Em?" Ty asked as he sat down on the bed causing it to sink down and near crush me as he sat right above me.
"Under... The... Bed!" I managed to get out.
"Ty get up your gonna crush the poor girl!" Yasmin said. The weight was gone and then Ty was laying on the floor looking at me.
"You know it kind of reminds me of the time Elise got stuck behind the sofa and the wall at Christmas" Ty laughed.
"Okay now just GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I yelled.
They all walked closer to the bed and then on 3 they all lifted it up.
I quickly crawled out and then they placed it back on the floor.
"Oh Em!" Alesa said laughing as they all filed out of the door. I glared playfully at their backs and then turned to my Benja.
"Don't tickle me next time!" I said poking his chest. We both sat down on the bed and Mitch laid backwards patting the side of him.
I laid down and he wrapped his arms around me and we cuddled. I yawned and he stood up picking me up bridal style and placed me under the covers. He got in next to me and I fell asleep with my head on his chest listening to the rythum of his heart beat.
Hai der my Fireflys! I updated! I'm not dead! Sorry for not updating for a while basically I haven't had the time to write this chapter and I had to deal with something and then I had writers block for awhile. So sorry to keep you Doods all waiting!
Anyways if you enjoyed this chapter make sure to slap that vote button with your headphones and join the Firefly Army today! Bai!
-FreeFireMc Out!

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