Chapter 26- October 31st 2016

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True P.O.V

I walked home lost in thought. The dance didn't start for another couple hours, though some kids decided to stay after school, though most of them were on the planning committee and had to help set up the gym for the dance, and it was moments like this I was glad I didn't do shit in this school.

I walked looking down at my feet, my thoughts on what Union might do.

Some of them were like publicly embarrassing me like stripping me and tapping me to a locker, that would be awful but there were other things that flurried through my brain, worse things. I should probably hope for the better, something in the pit of my stomach was just telling me it wouldn't end well. Especially for me.

I kick a rock at my feet, all my anger going against the rock. A quiet thought in the back of my head, what did that rock ever do to you? The rock skipped into the street before the motion stopped and the rock sat, in the middle of the empty street.

I sighed, feeling like the rock momentarily, then I scuffed not liking that I was comparing myself to a rock.

That was just ignorant.

I walked up to my house, yes, walked, I left my bike at school. I didn't feel like driving and I needed time to clear my head. I had to plan and prepare for the worst.

I needed to keep my phone audio recorder on all night during the dance, I rather have proof of everything on audio just in case something bad happened, I'd need it on audio. Or use it as blackmail, it depended on what Union was going to do.

During lunch, I found out Kyle was going to the dance, simply because Luke had wanted him to. I knew my brother was going, is one of the kings of the school, he simply had to attend. But I knew he was going to find a girl to bang tonight. I simply knew my brother that well.

Not that he knew that I knew that. If you catch my drift.

I stumbled towards the back door, not wanting to walk in through the front door, not sure who was home or not, though I was very sure most of my younger siblings were.

I walk past the garden gate, which was painted a clear white color at least once a month by our gardeners. I don't talk to the gardeners, they don't want to talk to me so I don't want to talk to them either.

I close the gate behind me, a sigh leaving my lips. Damn . . . I sigh a lot.

I walk past bushes and flowers surrounded by red mulch. I see trees that had been very well trimmed. I don't remember there ever being a leaf on the lawn, I don't think my parents allow it.

Control freaks . . .

I walk into my house being as cautious as ever. I hear Madisyn upstairs with some of her friends talking loudly with Taylor Swift playing in the background. I walk into the kitchen and was surprised to see Michael sitting at the counter, with his headphones in his ears listening to Spotify, I could see his phone screen. I walk past him, him not looking up.

I walk towards the stairs passing the living room, seeing Chris watching the large 80" inch television that had high-definition. I shake my head before walking up the stairs quietly.

I pass Bryan's room, hearing him and mom.

"I know Bryan, let me get the hat." Mom said inside Bryan's room obviously getting him ready for trick-or-treating. I knew mom would be taking him but what Bryan didn't know is that guards would be following them, protecting them both at all costs. I didn't have guards, that showed that my father simply didn't love me enough to have someone protect me.

I walk past Bryan and Madisyn's room and walk into mine, closing the door quietly behind me.

I walk over to my closet, dressing myself up for the dance, I wasn't going to go crazy for a Halloween outfit.

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