Chapter 67: January 31st 2017

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True P.O.V

Running home, I held my phone like it was a baby that would break upon dropping it. I needed to make sure there was footage of Mr. Troy wanting to sexual use a student. If it did, I would send it in to the police and they'd arrest his ass, it was way beyond time for him to be sent to prison.

I wanted him behind bars as far away from a child or teenager as possible, let the prison have him. I hurried, feeling like the longer I have the phone, the less the evidence is real, the less likely the video has actual proof. I would hate to have gone through all that to have no evidence and then I'd have to go back to step one and then the cycle will continue, but I wanted there to be proof, so he couldn't hurt Jessica or anyone else like he hurt me. I didn't want anyone to go through what I have gone through.

I really wanted to see the video, and with no one else home, no one could disturb me. I had my laptop already ready at home under my bed as I still didn't trust my family with not stealing or destroying my belongings.

When I saw the house, my steps sped up to more of running, as I saw no cares in the lot, and instantly knew I was home alone, well alone with all the security, all the guards that were still roaming the lot of the estate.

I run towards the door, and unlock it with a key that I had to copy as no one in the house had ever given me a key, so I had to make my own which is my way of saying I paid someone to make a back-up key from a key I temporarily stole from Chris.

Don't worry I had given it back.

I hurried in closing the door behind me, making sure I locked the door, and I glanced at the clock passing the kitchen and saw the time, 11:04. I had plently of time to watch the video and get it on a flash drive and get that drive dropped off at a police station without letting them know who I am, I want to remain anonymous. It will be better that way.

I hurried up the stairs almost stumbling but managed to catch myself before falling. I rushed towards my small as fuck room, and closed and locked the door behind me.

I rush over to my bed, sitting down instantly, and then yanking my laptop out from under the bed in a hurry. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and connect it by a cord to my laptop, and I waited a moment as the files transported onto computer and when every file was loaded onto the laptop, I instantly clicked into the video file and saw the thirty minute video. I instantly click the video and select for it to play on my video player, as I don't want to pay a crazy amount for a video player to do what this one does for free, play videos.

I clicked play and watched everything that happened.

Jessica P.O.V

I was anxious as to my Mr. Troy, my science instructor was asking me to remain after the bell. I know I hadn't done anything against the school's requirements on behalf of behavior. I also knew of what Mr. Troy did to students, the awful things that could destroy and ruin my peers lives, and I had been lucky up until down to avoid his attention, the attention no one ever really wants. The attention from a pedofile.

I was glancing at all my peers as they sat in the classroom as if nothing bad could ever take place within these walls. Some of the more popular girls were even sending messages underneath the desks and I knew very well that the teacher was aware but simply choosing to ignore it. What a awful teacher.

I was quietly tapping my pencil on the desk and keeping to myself, I had very few friends as I didn't allow the ignorant stupid kids to even communicate with me, they are a waste of time. I've turned away a smart kid only once and that was Truth Night. He came from a richer household, and was definitely smarter than a majority of the school but he had danger surrounding him with bullys and the multiple bruises he shows up at school covering almost every piece of skin showing. I didn't want to be yelled at by my fellow peers to kill myself like he constantly was, and still is even though he's already tried to end it all.

That was why I didn't want to be friends with Truth Night. He had even tried to be friends with me once in Freshmen year but had backed off when he realized I wasn't interested with being his friend. At least he could accept facts and not be pushy like some people in this school were, and I don't mean physically pushing.

When the bell rang I glanced at everyone, my eyes begging them to help me get out of this awful situation, I even looked at Truth who looked at me with nothing but sadness and pity. Why wouldn't he help me? Didn't he see I was afraid? That I disliked the situation I had been put in?

When everyone had left, it was just me and Mr. Troy, and unarrested child rapist that remained within a school filled with innocent children that had been made dirty by his touch. It made me sick.

"Well Mrs. Belorn . . . " Mr. Troy started with a evil smirk on his face, his smirk widened when he saw my fearful face. "I see you know what I have been up to within the walls of this school." He says with a laugh making me jerk back into my seat alittle bit more.

"You know, I saw you looking at your peers with hope for one of them to save you, even True, who not very long ago was in the same position, only much, much worse, oh he felt good, I'd rather have him that you but you take what you get." A evil smirk appeared on his face.

"I love how all of you fight, how all of you scream for help, how you whimper, and how you cry after it all." He said before walking over to me, a crocked grin taking over his face.

True P.O.V

After finishing the video, I knew I had everything I needed, regardless of the fact my name was in the tap, it didn't necessarily sound like a name more so just the word but still. I cut the clip so it wasn't thirty minutes long and only the lengh of the important footage.

A frown appeared on my face when I realized I had used Jessica for this, but she hadn't been raped, nothing live destroying had been done to her, nothing like what happened to me. She hadn't been raped, she hadn't been abused since she was nine years old.

She wouldn't ever understand, and she'll act like this destroyed her life, look what it did to mine.

Her life would probably always be better than mine and I was fine with that. Who'd want to live my life anyways?

Once I had finished adjusting the clip, I transferred the video over to an unused flash drive I had in my room, and when it was done, I rushed out of my room to turn it into the police.

Time to get this pedophile behind fucking bars.

So, I updated twice within two days pretty proud of that . . .

So Mr. Troy seems to be in a pickle . . .


1. Favorite Candy?

2. Favorite Wattpad Book?

3. Favorite Person Alive?

My Answers . . .

1. I love skittles but only red and purple.

2. My favorite would have to be Fire and Ice right now.

3. My mom.

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