Chapter 80: February 13th 2017

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True P.O.V

I woke up unaware of my surrounding for a couple minutes before I realized that I was inside the living room of the Clenevence estate, on one of the couchs that was inside the living room.

I looked down at the blanket covering me, realizing that this couch was actually really comfortable, more comfortable than I thought it was going to be, I've never slept on a couch this comfortable before.

Can I take this couch with me?

I didn't want to move, I didn't want to go back home, which was probably going to be what happens, I mean who would want to put up with me? I wouldn't, so Alister shouldn't either. It hurt slightly in my chest when I thought about that, no one wanting to put up with me. It was true though, it made sense. To me anyway.

Why should I even remain here, I should leave so I don't bother Alister with my presense any more. I was about to get up and leave when someone began to walk down the stairs, I heard the quiet foot steps, and I mean quiet because whoever was walking down was making a attempt to be as quiet as possible. I laid back down, and curled into a ball to make myself as small as possible.

A small part of my brain was thinking that Alister wouldn't kick me out, that he potentionally liked me, saw me as more than a friend, I could hope he did, but that doesn't mean it's one-hundred precent possible. The other part of my brain completely disagrees with the other half, saying someone as good looking as Alister could find someone so much better. I also had to remind myself that we went on a date, though it was one where he didn't know how the person he was going on a date with was, and we kissed, but those things didn't weigh much in my brain for some reason. My brain didn't see it as liking someone or commitment, it saw it like it was simply in the moment, which it kind of was if you looked at it hard enough, thought about it really hard, it was easy to convience yourself that something is other than what it really is. It was really simple actually.

It's easy to convience yourself that something is one way when it's actually another, it's a set back, for me, it was the enemy.

I heard the steps walk into the living room and I slam my eyes closed and relaxed my whole body in a attempt to make it seem like I was still sleeping, I even slowed my breathing to help create that illusion. It must have worked because I thought the person was gone, but I was wrong, because after a couple seconds of no foot steps, a pair of lips pressed against my forehead, startling me enough to open my eyes wide and stare up at Alister, who was looking down at me with a look in his eyes, a look I've never seen anyone give me, but saw before. It was the same look Kyle gave to Luke and vise versa it was a look of loving.

Alister couldn't possibly love me, ot takes years for someone to fall in love, it doesn't happen over night, it doesn't happen after one kiss, it doesn't happen after seeing him less than a couple hand full of times. We're still practically strangers, well we're not, since I know a lot about him, because of the date. He knew more about me than I think some of my family members including my rape.

"Well, good morning sunshine," Alister said after he removed his lips from my forehead, looking down at my passionately, chuckling slightly at what he said and most definitely my crazy set of bed head. My head of hair usually looked like this after a minimum of five hours of sleep, anything after five hours makes my hair think it's time to go crazy and stick up every where. "I didn't know you were awake, but now that I know you are, what would you like to eat?" He asked calmly, smiling down at me, leaning on the couch from the opposite side so he was leaning over me.

"Anything is fine as long as it doesn't have chocolate in it," Thinking of chocolate pancakes or waffles, or muffins. The mention of no chocolate made Alister frown, I remember from the date him mentioning he loves chocolate, and I remember not commenting.

"We can't be a couple if you don't like chocolate," Alister said looking at me like he couldn't believe I don't like chocolate.

"Well I'm- wait a couple?" I asked looking at him very confused. I don't remember him asking me out, nor considering him my boyfriend, though it would be amazing to be his boyfriend. A dream really.

Alister took one hand and rubbed the back of his neck looked embarrassed. "Well yeah, I like you, I think you like me, we kissed, I guess I was wrong to assume we-" I cut him off by getting up leaning my face towards him and crashing my lips against his.

It honestly felt better than the first kiss, it was sweet filled with passion. It took no more than three seconds for Alister to return the gesture and kiss me back, putting his hands on my waist, as if to hold me in place, to prevent me from escaping, not that I'd want to. We kissed for a while until we both had to pull away to breath, which was a pity because I didn't really want to pull away. He leaned his forehead on mine and looked me in the eyes before calming stating, "Boyfriends?"

I looked into his eyes, seeing nothing but love and compassion, saw nothing that screamed fear or reminded me of my abuse, I saw something I've never seen before. Love, and I sure as hell wasn't going to let it go.


"So why don't you like chocolate?"

So, imma leave it there, their dating! :)

I've recently been marching so yeah, side note: know any good bxb's with stalkers/kidnappers? I'm kind of loving that right now, oh! and siblingsxsiblings, any of you guys read firewall? Well books like that.

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