Chapter One: The Girl Behind the Bar

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It was hard, adjusting to the new Guild Hall. It was smaller, rustic, and above all, not nearly as crowded as it used to be. Standing behind the bar, Mira washes some plates and steins while waiting for more customers. It's been quiet lately. Sure that happens when Team Natsu is out on their missions, but even then you have Droy and Jet fighting over Levy or Macao and Wakaba arguing about the past. But today, it's quiet. Lonely almost. Her face still holds its smile though. She must always smile. She must always seem happy to be here because that's what hosting requires. But lately, ever since they made it back from Tenrou Island, Mira just isn't, well Mira. She's heard snickers every once in a while around town how she has become part of the background of Fairy Tail. How now she's only good for serving people and looking pretty. True, all this has happened seven years ago as well, but lately, it's been bothering her.

She stands behind the bar watching her friends come and go- new relationships blooming- children growing into adults. And here she is. Still looking the way she had seven years ago. Still cleaning the same glasses and plates. And still smiling that same endearing smile. When does it end?

As her thoughts keep her occupied, the Guild Hall doors open and in comes an unexpectant face. That of a man who Mira has had only brief encounters with, one of which was when she was close to murdering him for hurting Elfman. Freed Justine. Her Satan Soul nearly consumed her that day, but having him between her legs, telling her to end his life, the pain in his eyes, the fright- that's what pulled Mira back to herself. In fact, since that semi-intimate moment years ago, she can't help but dwell on him. The way his muscular jaw clenched as she held her fist above his face. His eyes reflecting her appearance back to her like two blue pools of serene water, and the feel of his firm body beneath her that made her feel....odd. Yes, she thinks about Freed Justine more than she ever thought she would based on his poor decision to attack her brother. Normally a person would make sure that person knows not to be in their presence. But unlike many other people, Mira has long since forgiven Freed for his foolish mistakes.

Walking up to her, the green haired man sits down on a stool and places four jewel on the bar top.

"Good afternoon Freed!" She says bubbly like she does to everyone. "What can I get you?"

"A pint of Ale and a hot sandwich, please." His voice is deep, his eyes sullen, and his overall appearance, unFreed like. His jacket is unbuttoned, shirt wrinkled, and hair in a slight disarray. He definitely doesn't look as though he's having a good day.

"Of course...Freed?" Mira wants to ask him what's wrong, but knowing him, he'll be quiet during his meal. He'll be quiet until he's finished. And he'll be quiet when he leaves. Freed is not one for small talk, especially not with Mirajane. He looks up to her and Mira decides she better not pry.

"Yes?" Taking his ale, he takes two swigs and sets it down near to silently.

"What would you like on your sandwich?" Chickening out, she pulls out a notepad and Freed smirks quietly.

"Whatever you think is good. I'm not picky when it comes to a meal. As long as it's hot and fresh..." He trails off and looks down at the bar top. Nodding, Mira pulls together her specialty- Boar steak with pickles, Hargeon Beer cheese, and lettuce and tomato. Placing it in front of him, She watches Freed examine the sandwich before biting into it.

"I hope it's okay." She quietly murmurs. His face is blank as he chews and swallows the bite. She can't tell what he's thinking.

"It's very good. Thank you, Miss Mirajane." So polite, so dense.

"Just Mirajane, or Mira is fine. So Freed, why aren't you with the Thunder Legion? I thought they were on a big mission?" Freed stiffens in his seat and looks down at his hands as they clutch the food between his fingers. Wondering if she made a mistake, Mira turns around and looks at the bottles of booze on the wall. Now she wishes it was a loud noisy hall today.

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