Chapter Nine: Falling to Pieces

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She thought it would only take a few days for Makarov and Porlyusika to figure out a solution, but no. Mira and Freed have been locked away for nearly two weeks. Both prisoners cracking at the seams. The only thing keeping them sane is their letters to each other. Through their letters, Mira learned about Freed's lasting desires to be free to travel the world. He always wanted to travel around Fiore finding traditions many don't know about or participating in festivals. As a child he heard stories about how men would take their women to fancy balls and dance the night away. He told Mira he wanted to take her to one some day. Mira thought it was sweet of him.

She told him her dark secret about the four boys she murdered. But she had to quickly change the letter back to a carefree attitude so not to anger herself or get Freed riled up. So she told him things that many didn't know about her, such- she loves writing poetry and songs that she'll never have the courage to share with the world. How she enjoys begging out on her couch eating solely junk food while reading sappy romance novels. And how she secretly switches Cana's beer barrels out with regular apple cider to see if she'll notice- which she normally doesn't. It felt good sharing these secrets with someone who is jut as naive as a babe. But the longer they sit in captivity, the more pent up they begin to feel. So finally after two weeks of only communicating through letters, a knock comes on Mira's door. Going to open it up, she finds Makarov and Porlyusika.

"Mirajane, we have cracked the code to aiding you and Freed back into society." Makarov happily says without an ounce of guilt of putting her in solitary confinement.

"No thanks." Mira goes to close the door and Makarov grows his hand twice it's normal size and stops the door. The old people look at Mira as if she's gone mad- which she most likely has.

"No thanks? Don't you want out into the fresh air and to see your siblings? Guild mates? Freed?" He lines the bait right in front of her, but surprisingly she doesn't bite.

"Nope. I'm good. Have a good day." Mira sweetly says before she walks away, not even trying to close the door. Mouth open wide, Makarov twitches and Porlyusika decides to take a crack at it. Stepping into the dimly lit house, she can tell that Mira hasn't dusted in here in a while. What used to be a spotless home is now cluttered and dusty from floor to ceiling.  The kitchen is untouched and the hallway is littered with paper. Picking up a piece, Porlyusika finds it's a letter from Freed. It's lengthy and explains a day in the life of him as a child. Dropping the letter, the old woman follows Mira's footsteps up stairs and pauses in the hallway of Mira's room.

"There must be thousands of letters in here." Porlyusika states and Makarov carries a few, scanning them as they stand in the hallway.

"They're all from him....they...they share some intimate details." Makarov hands Porlyusika a letter about Freed's perverse thoughts he had in a dream about Mira. "It seems our little doves have been getting cozy."

"It's the bond they share. Not only from being soul mates, but also from being the only ones of their kind." Slowly opening Mira's bedroom door, they find she isn't even there. "Mira?"

They hear a low giggle coming from somewhere in the room.

"Be careful. Her magical energy is back in full swing." Makarov states. "I can feel just how powerful it is right now. We may need backup."

Noticing the door in the wall, Makarov slowly goes to it and can hear more demented giggling coming from inside. Their hearts thump hard in their chests.

"Mira? Come out my little chickadee." As he slowly reaches for the door, he hears the laughing continue. It's something he's never heard before. It creeps him out, but he continues to open it up. "Mira..."

Suddenly, she jumps out of the small space, pouncing on the old man full force. Porlyusika jumps out of the way and Mira's face is cracked and she wickedly laughs some more.

"Mira! Control yourself!" Makarov says as he struggles against her hold. Mira mocks Makarov in perfect voice.

"Mira! Control yourself! Hahahaha!" She jumps off of him and jumps onto the far wall. Makarov sits up and turns facing her. She continues to jump from wall to wall. Their eyes follow her.

"Mira! Please come down." Makarov says and Mira pounces on him again and tosses him into her wall above her bed. From outside, Erza heads the commotion and comes barging in and up the stairs.

"What's the matter Pops?! Don't like me no more?!" She sassily snarls and leans into his face. He pulls his face away so not to meet a death kiss. Mira jumps off of him and continues to jump around the room before diving back into her tiny foxhole in the wall. Erza runs in and notices Makarov standing up from the floor.

"What happened? Where's Mira?" Before anyone can answer, they hear her creepy squeaky voice come from the black hole in the wall.

"Erza...Erza...come play a game with me! You can play the knight, and I'll play the wicked queen!" She snickers and laughs at her rhyme and Erza draws her sword. "Play! Play! Play! Little knight of Fairy Blood! You're doomed to die, die die- just like you wish I would!"

The demon's voice disappears and Erza glances at Makarov, who has a small cut on his forehead.

"Mirajane! Stop this. You can be mad at us..."

"Mad? You think I'm mad? Oh no. No. No. You are allllllll wrong. Wrong. Wrong! You will never, never, never found me in here. I'm in here! I like it in here." She starts giggling again. "I think it's nice. And nice. And nice. And nice. And it's all in here. Come and see, Erza."

"Okay. Fine. I'm coming in." Putting her sword away, Erza slowly walks over to the black hole in the wall and Makarov and Porlyusika think she's lost her mind. As Erza crawls in the hole, she can't see a thing. The door slams shut and the pitch black hole feels even more close. Keeping her sense peeled, Erza can't even hear Mira's breathing. "Okay Mira. I'm here. Show me why this place is so nice."

Taking out a lighter, Erza lights it and finds she's in between a flattened bean bag and a small wooden chest, but no Mira. On the wall she sees the drawn pictures Mira drew and a small pang of fear sets in. On the chest, she finds a note.

"Don't look up." Compelled, but ready, Erza looks up and finds Mira holding herself up between the walls- eyes fully black, face cracked and saliva coming from her elongated canine teeth.

"Surprise!" Mira drops from the ceiling and her face goes from tormented demon to pained. Falling into the bean bag chair, Mira sits back against the wall and finds a needle sticking out of her stomach. Erza pushes the syringe and a blue liquid flows into Mira and her eyes slowly revert back to her normal blue eyes, the cracks in her complexion fill in, and her teeth go back to normal length. Her face is full of pain and terror. She gasps out in pain and Erza just pulls her close to her.  Holding her head against her armored plates chest, Erza can feel the tears coming down her face.

"I'm sorry, needed to be done. You won't suffer no more. You'll be with Freed."  Her voice is soft and quiet and She can tell Mira is working on a smile, but the pain is too immense.

"I...I...I'm sorry...Erza...I tried. I...I...tried." She goes quiet and ErA kisses the top of her friends head. Tears rushing even more down her face.

"I know. I know you tried to keep it together. But you'll finally be free. I'm sorry." The wooden door slowly opens and Makarov and Porlyusika find Erza holding the white haired demon. "Don't ever ask me to do this again...I'm done."

Makarov nods his head and all three of them wish they hadn't seen their dear friend in her demonic state- crazy and tormented, but now as she lay lip in her friends arms, they almost wish they could have prevented it all.

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