Chapter Thirty-Six: Lipstick and Cake

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A whole two months had passed since the CSM incident. In the two month time lapse, Mira had only grown a whole three pounds, while Erza and Cana who are two months ahead of Mira, gained nearly fifteen. She feels as if something is horribly wrong with her baby because Bisca stated that she should gain at least eight pounds every two months. She is way under the curve. She still fits in her normal outfits and she isn't experiencing any real cravings, just morning sickness. It's hard not to worry, but she knows that it could harm the baby. So to keep in high spirits, she started teaching Wendy and Freed how to bake and cook.

It was challenging at first. Freed couldn't comprehend the idea of the egg timer being set at the lowest time and then set again when making a cake. Wendy at least understood that, but cooking rice was a whole other thing for her. She didn't understand that one cup of rice could nearly feed a small army of people. At one time, she made two cups and they fed the whole guild hall for three days. Needless to day many members stopped eating there after the second day. And after several attempts to make Freed and Wendy understand the toothpick rule, Mira had lost all patience and Satan Soul Halphas appeared to scold them. They hid from her after that.

So sitting in the living room this afternoon, Mira reads her book on parenting when screaming begins in the kitchen.

"Mira!" Wendy and Freed call frantically.

"Did you catch something on fire?" She asks loudly, not moving from her comfy spot on the dented couch. She's really deep in her book- a detailed chapter about birthing. Which freaks her out, but intrigues her at the same time.


"Then you're fine." She snaps and continues to read. It seems that though she isn't experiencing cravings, she is experiencing irritability. Those two are driving her bonkers.

"Mira! Come here!" Freed calls and she grits her teeth.

"Are you bleeding or missing a finger?" She growls deeply.


"Well then don't call me!" Her voice is dark and they don't dare call her, however, looking under the view of the books bottom, she notices two sets of toes. She growls. "I swear to Mavis if you so much as interrupt me..."

"Surprise!" They say happily and the woman looks up angry and then softens back into her normal state when she sees a nicely decorated cake. It smells very good and the icing is nice spread, but sort of melting from being applied to a still warm cake. "What do you think?"

"'s very pretty. You put the icing on too soon, but that's alright." She sweetly says and smiles with closed eyes.

"Oops, oh well, do you want to try some?" Wendy has plates in her hands and on top of them are forks and a knife.

"Of course!"

"Funny, how a second ago you couldn't be bothered, but the second we offer you cake, you're all sweet and gung ho." Freed grumbles and Mira raises an eyebrow at him. He notices the crack in her expression and retracts the statement. "And why shouldn't you be, cake is cake and we are just obnoxious with our ineptitude."

"Haha, okay who's cutting the cake?" Mira ignores his comment and can feel her heart race from excitement. She's so hungry, but that's all she does is eat.

"I will!" Wendy takes the knife and cutes a normal sized piece of cake for Mira. The cake itself is chocolate and the icing is a simple buttercream. Taking a bite, Mira tastes it and both students just look at her nervously. "Well?"

"It's very good! Superb! Congratulations! You passed lesson one!" The two students cheer happily and grab their own pieces of cake. They eat in silence and before they know it, the whole cake is gone besides one piece.

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