Chapter Four: The Black Age

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As they get off the train, Erza and Mira walk down the street, keeping their eyes and noses open to men with the discriptors Mira provided thus far. It's warmer in Hargeon than in Magnolia. The air is filled with small snow flakes, but there's a warm heat radiating from the sun that burns the girls skin as they make their way to city hall's library. It's the only logical place they could think of going. If they could look up every man in Hargeon they could possibly find someone who would match who they were looking for.

"Mira, once you find him...what's gonna happen?" Erza looks at her friend as she ponders this question.

"I...I don't know. I guess talk to him. Ask him why he left me with no memories. Maybe ask him why he was scratched, why he glowed, what happened. I just want to know him. I just want to remember. So then I can move on."

"It would help if you could remember his name at least. I mean yeah it's safe to assume his eyes were demonic blue and he wore green, but people change their clothes and buy different colognes. Is there anything else you can remember?" They come closer to the center of town and Mira looks about at the people.

"I know...I think...I believe he was a wizard."

"Well obviously, or he wouldn't have been in our Guild."

"Shut up! If you think you can come up with something better why don't you take a crack at it!" They get in each other's faces like they used to and suddenly pull back laughing. "Man, it's been too long."

"Haha yes it has. Now, let's go in and find this mystery man." As they walk into the great marble building, both are surprised at how many books there are. In the center of it all is a woman at a desk writing something on a piece of parchment. "Excuse me Ma'am, we are looking for your residential records."

"From what year?"

"When did this person move to Magnolia?" Erza asks Mira, who seems just as confused.

"Well go back seven years, I believe he would have been part of us before that. So, how about from 780 and before." Mira says to the old woman, who's glasses take up most of her face and gray hair lay in strands over her head.

"That's a lot, let's start between 760-780 that would make twenty years- I doubt you'd be into anyone older than that." Erza says. The old lady whistles and 20 big black books come flying towards the girls and land on a table behind and to the right of them.

"There. Have fun." The woman says and the two wizards look at her before going to the table.

"We should have brought Lucy's reading glasses." Erza whines as she flips through the book with pictures, names, and birth and death dates.

"We should have brought Levy. She would crack this quicker than some glasses." Mira goes through not one book, two at a time, looking for blue eyes, and green something on men. As they go through all twenty books, Mira and Erza slowly droop more and more into them and soon both are asleep. Face down in the books, their snores fill the hall until the old wizard at the front desk sends bullhorns of in their ears. "I'm up!"

"Me too!"

"Huh, we've been through all twenty of these. Maybe we should go back farther?" Mira stretches and then goes up to the old woman at the front desk. As she waits for the lady to finish her sentence, Mira pulls out the handkerchief and smells it, praying it will give her a memory.

"Can I help yo...where did you get that hanky?" The old lady asks curiously, slowly standing up out of her seat. She's about 4'5" and can barely see over the desk she sits at. Coming around the desk, the dwarfed woman reaches for the hanky. Mira hands it to her and Erza comes over to join them. "I remember this smell... it used to fill this library of city hall. filled the city of Hargeon and the mountains..."

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