Chapter Twenty-Two: Love Me Or Leave Me- Make A Choice

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The slamming of her door still rings in her ears as she tries to move from her spot against the counter. She slept sitting up against the kitchen cabinets because moving from the spot where he left her was unbearable. As she tries to relieve her stiff body, the front door opens and Lisanna finds her sister struggling to get up.

"Big Sis! Are you okay?" She grabs Mirajane's arm and pulls her to her feet. Steadying herself against the counter, Mira just stares off across the room. "Mira-nee?"

"I'm fine." Her body aches and trembles, but she can't find the strength to move to the table.

"Did you sleep here last night?" Lisanna looks around and notices the spaghetti containers still half full on the table and a brown paper bag- untouched- on the island.

"Must have." Closing her eyes, she tries to tell herself it was all a dream, but from noticing the state of the kitchen, it was anything but that.

"Who was here?" Lisanna walks over to the table and pokes a fork through what was Freed's spaghetti.


"Ooo la la! Did you two have a good time last night?" She hops up on the counter by the window and crosses her one leg over the other, while Mira just lays her head on her arms at the island.

"No- it was anything but a good time. Why do I ruin everything?" Lisanna doesn't get her sister's mood lately. One day she's happy and bubbly, and the next she's grumpy and depressing.

"Well, what happened?"

"We fought over something stupid- but he was right and I couldn't deny anything. I don't think he's ever gonna come back."

"What exactly was he right about? You're so illusive that you could be talking about literally anything." Mira stands up straight and looks at Lisanna.

"He said that I always will put him last- behind you and Elfman and everyone at the guild, even myself. He said he doesn't want to be last any more."  Lisanna rolls her eyes and jumps off the counter.

"You do put everyone before you- that when you find the one guy who would die for you- you push him away like he has the plague. Not because you don't love him but because if you allowed yourself to have him, you would actually be thinking of yourself and not anyone else. You refuse to let yourself be happy Mira- and that's what he would do for you- make you happy."

"How are you so smart?"

"Because I had an amazing person supporting me since I was little." She goes to Mira and hugs her tightly. "You have taken such great care of Elfman and I- we could never repay you the way you need to be, but if there's one thing I can do for you, it's tell you that you need to finally allow yourself to be happy. And that's with Freed."

Looking at her sister- the girl who miraculously survived death and had grown into a wonderful human being- Mira knows that Lisanna has the best interest for her. Going I her big sister, Lisanna holds her left hand up to her.

"I'm engaged because of you." The smile on her face doesn't do her happiness any justice. Mira let's a smile creep on her face.

"Congrats!" She hugs the younger girl and Lisanna let's go after a few minutes.

"Elfman and Evergreen found a place, I'm getting married, and you are denying yourself everything you deserve? How does that work exactly?"

"Keep laying on the guilt, Lisanna. Make my life even easier. As if I don't feel guilty enough." Turning away from her, Mira can feel the weight of the world press down hard on her shoulders. She wishes she had a reset button and could redo last night. "What am I gonna do?"

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