Chapter Two: Let Me Go, I'm Ready

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Once more standing behind the bar, Mira finishes prepping the hall for work this morning. Just as she's about to wonder where Freed is, he comes walking through the doors and Mira nearly has her jaw on the bar top. Walking down the center of the room, everyone on either side of the Guild Hall sits in shock as they find Freed in slick black slacks, black converse shoes, a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a black vest buttoned over top of it along with a black bow tie. His hair is still down, but as he walks, he pulls it up into a pony tail- still allowing his bangs in his face on his right side. No one knows what to say. No one has ever seen him in anything but his normal dapper attire. He seems relaxed, chill, and overly not normal. As he makes his way to the front, quiet whispers carry through the hall. Reaching the bar, he walks around it and stands beside Mira, who is still gaping at him.

"Good Morning Miss Mirajane. I am ready for duty." He says with his hands behind his back in a militaristic stance.

"Um...uh...Freed. Uh, what are you, um, wearing?" She can't help but blush at the thought of him standing so close to her in that outfit which exposes just how muscular he actually is. Even though he is a lean tall man, he has the muscles of Laxus, but not to the extent of brute-esk looks.

"You said comfortable shoes, so I acquired these in town. And something I can get dirty- so I figured a bartender outfit should suit fine." Mira tries so hard not to giggle, but one slips out and Freed looks down at her.

"I...just meant something you'd wear at home on the weekends, but this is nice too. Ha ha. Well, since you're ready, I guess you can bartend today. Here is a list of the prices for all the drinks- mixed drinks are in this book, and stuff to make sandwiches or other quick foods are in the fridge behind you. I'll be serving today. If you need help or have questions, let me know. Oh and Freed."

"Yes, Miss Mirajane?" She smirks at his inept ability to call her by just her first name.

"Don't let them take advantage of you."

"Wait what?" And before he can get an answer as to what that exactly means, Mira is out on the floor with a tray of ale and Cana and the others are up at the bar. An over whelming sight from where Mira is standing, but she has no doubt Freed can handle it. "Cana, what can I get you?"

"My normal barrel of Beer."

"A...a barrel?" Looking at the sheet, he doesn't see where the price per barrel is.

"Yeah..." Cana says and leans on the bar.

" much do you usually pay for that? It's not on the list..."

"Five jewel." She quickly retorts and Freed feels that's not nearly enough for a barrel of beer, but he wants to prove to Mira that he isn't inept and can do the job without fail. So he takes the five jewel and tries to hand Cana the barrel, but finds it too heavy to lift. "Move outta the way shrimp. I'll get it."

Picking it up in one clean swoop, she leaves the counter and two more people come up and order. Freed is so over whelmed because the longer it takes him to fill the orders, the more people pile up on the bar and are demanding more drinks and more food.

How does she do it? How does she make food and serve drinks and take money and still have that damn smile on her face?

Freed thinks to himself as he goes to hand Wakaba another pint of Ale. He rushes back to the other end of the bar, spilling a pint of sake as he goes and on his way back to the far end of the bar, he slips in the sake and falls to his back, smacking his head hard against the cement floor- knocking himself out and also breaking the glasses that were in his hands.

Hearing the commotion, Mira turns around and finds the crowd of people at the bar, in an uproar. Pushing through them, she gets the edge of the bar and looks around.

Finding Us- A MiraFreed FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant