Chapter Twenty-Six: Too Many Damn People

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So their weekend didn't go entirely as planned. But both were fine with the end result. As they walk into the guild hall, Mira happily humming to herself as her arm is wrapped around Freed- everyone has their eyes on the bar maid and the runes mage.

"Mira, you missed it!" Levy comes running up to her excited and Mira just wonders what's so important.

"What?" Levy points to Cana and Laxus- both dressed up and Cana showing off a nice sized ring. It hurts her. Cana and Laxus got engaged the same weekend she did? She's happy for them, but doesn't want to take this moment from Cana- who literally never gets this amount of attention for anything. She never gets celebrated or cherished by the guild members. So, secretly slipping off her own ring, she puts it in her purse and looks up at Freed. He seems to read her like a book and whispers in her ear.

"We can tell them's alright. Our little secret." No one knew that Freed and Mira were getting engaged. Not even Lisanna or Elfman. Freed just asked their advice for a date- proposing came all on his own. He kisses her temple and she sadly smiles. "I guess we should go congratulate them."

"Yeah, we probably should." Mira and Freed walk across the hall and Laxus and Cana just smile at them. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks Mirajane!" Laxus says and give her a hug. Watching this, Freed can't help but wonder if Mira enjoyed it because she not so long ago had a crush on him. "Freed! I want to ask you- will you be my Best man?"

"Oh, wow...Laxus- it would be an honor. Of course." They Bro-hug and Mira notices Cana watching them with a smile on her face. She wonders who Cana will ask to be her Maid of Honor. "Congratulations, Cana."

"Thanks Freed. Hey, Mira- can I talk to you?" Cana pulls Mira to the back room and it's quiet for a few minutes.


"How was your date? Did you two finally do it?" Her friend winks her eye and Mira just rubs the back of her head.

"No...I chickened out." Sighing, Cana sits on the edge of a table and just shakes her head.

"Well, I mean, you gotta be ready for it. It's alright to wait, ya know. There's no need to rush." It strikes a chord with Mira.

"You and Laxus didn't wait. You two have been going at it since the beginning for the last four months." Cana can feel the resentment in the air.

"Listen, I know this is weird right now for you...I know you used to like Laxus- okay. Can you...can you just be happy for me?"

"I am happy for you, Cana. Why wouldn't I be. You're one of my best friends." She tries to reassure her friend, but it doesn't seem to do the trick.

"I'm sorry...I'm just a little on edge lately."

"Why?" Mira sits beside her friend and feels something huge about to happen.

"I'm late." Mira doesn't get it.

"What? What do you mean you're late?"

"I mean I'm pregnant and Laxus doesn't know." Eyes widening, sweat rising, and heart thumping, Mira can feel anxiety form in her body. "And now he proposed and I don't want people to think it's because I'm pregnant. And I have to stop drinking now- and I don't know if I can be a mom. That's a lot to put on me right now."

" we can do this. Alright? We can figure it out Cana. I believe you can be a great mom with the Guild as an awesome support system."

"Of course you believe that. You've been the mother of this guild for a long time. You practically raised Elfman and Lisanna. I can't do that?!" She's breaking down and Mira knows this isn't good for her or the baby. "What if...what if he leaves me? What if he doesn't want this baby? We never discussed it Mirajane!"

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