Chapter Six: The Old Vs. The New

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It has bothered them all for two weeks. When was Freed coming back to the Guild, and when was Mira going to admit that she felt something? Like Erza predicted, no body at the Guild was upset in the least with Mira's heritage. In fact Natsu found it funny to mess with Mira, by pretending to be deeply in love with her. At first, she thought it was rude, but she grew fond of his feeble attempts to make her smile. Especially when he would get down on one knee and "propose" to her in front of the whole hall, Turning Lucy red in the face. But two weeks without of word from Freed was worrying her. Did he discover the truth yet? His mother was trying to protect him, but he had to have known a long time ago what he was. It bothers Mira immensely.

As she sits on a chair behind the bar, waiting for service to pick up, she hums to herself. The song is light and sweet and soon it forms into a song. She doesn't sing in public- she avoids it often by a replacement Gajeel. But since no one is in the hall today, she takes it upon herself to sing out loud. Maybe the words spoken, will calm any regrets and negative thoughts she's been having.

I often look upon the sky,
And wonder what the sun sees,
The grass swaying from side to side,
In love with the summer breeze,
I want to be a bird,
And soar upon it all,
Looking at the people,
Bundled up in the fall,

Oh to be free to live a life,
Of happiness and bliss,
How my heart breaks,
For the love, I loved, and miss,
Oh how the world keeps turning,
Leaving me behind,
I'll never be a bird,
At least not one who's meant to fly..."

"That's so beautifully sad." She jumps, two tears escaping her eyes as she finds him leaning over the bar, staring at her longingly. His hair is half up in a pony tail and the other half is down. He isn't wearing his normal "captain's" uniform, but dark blue jeans, converse shoes, and a loose gray shirt under a tan cardigan. He looks relaxed and it messes with Mira's vision of him.

"Freed." She stands up and tucks her hands behind her back and looks at the floor embarrassed.

"You have a very lovely voice Mirajane." It sends shivers up her spine. He never used to call her by just her first name. She bends over more to hide her face and knocks her head in the bar top.

"Ow..." She quietly squeaks and sits back on her chair. Walking around the bar, Freed crouches in front of her and puts his hands on her knees. She brings her face up quickly in fright and knocks him hard in his forehead with the top of her skull. "Ow!"

"Ouch!" Freed falls to his butt and holds his forehead in his hand while his other arm rests on his scrunched up knees. "Haha, you sure do have a way of greeting people. Haha"

"Don't laugh at me." She says seriously and noticing his blushing face laughing, she calms down and giggles a bit.

"Let me get you some ice." She stands up and scoots passed his legs and bends over getting an ice pack from the mini fridge. Freed stands up and watches her wrapping it in in a dry rag. "I'm sorry..."

"It's perfectly alright." Taking it from her, they freeze at his fingers touching hers. He smiles widely at her and places the ice pack on her forehead instead of his. She turns read and fiddles with her fingers. "Should I hold this here all day while you serve the Guild? I may have to clear my schedule, but I could if you wish it."

" that's perfectly fine. I can hold it. I'll get you one.."

"Don't bother. I have tough noggin' I've been told. I think I'll be okay." He leans against the bar behind him and crosses his arms. He really does seem different. His aura is completely changed. Mira would love to know how he's doing with his inccubus lifestyle. "I must have something on my face."

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