Chapter Three: Who Are You?

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Pain fills her body. Her world is black. Is she alive? Is he? Emptiness. Silence.

Opening her eyes, the light burns her, forcing her to shut them again. There's a ringing in her head that brings a throbbing.

What happened?

While trying to find the strength to move, Mira tries to recount what happened. The last thing she remembers was...was some sort of argument with someone. But who?

"Mira! You're up! Thank Mavis you're alright!" Lisanna's voice bursts in her ears and Mira now opens her eyes fully. "We were so worried."

"Big sis! I'm sorry!" Elfman cries and holds Mira's hand in his. His tears slide down her hand like droplets on glass.

"Wh...where am I?" Her voice is hoarse and her lips are chapped.

"At our house. The Guild Hall is totally destroyed." Lisanna looks at her sister and wonders herself what went on between her and ——.

"What happened?" Looking between her siblings, Mira feels empty in her chest.

"A tornado touched down and destroyed the place. The only thing that saved your life was this...well Levy called it A Heart Enchantment. But we can't figure out how it got placed." The yellow walls of her room make her eyes burn. Her tiny single bed is stiff and her pillow is flat. As Elfman and Lisanna sit on the small couch beside her bed, Mira can't help but feel out of sorts. Like something was missing. Someone?

"A tornado?"

"Yeah, they're Manly! You could have died big sis! We should have been there." His booming voice sends heavy sobs down his cheeks and Mira is so confused. What happened? Something's not right.

"But...what happened?" Mira asks once more and Lisanna and Elfman both look at each other and then at their big sister.

"We just told you. A tornado touched down and destroyed the hall. You don't remember?" Their big sister looks at them with dismay. Porlyusika comes in and the room is quiet once more. "Thank you for coming. We think she's lost her memory. She doesn't remember anything."

"That can happen when you get sucked into a tornado and smack your head off the floor at 40 miles an hour." The old lady says as she shoos the siblings away. "Now go. It's bad enough I had to leave my forest to be in this invested city. Two less of you will do."

Lisanna and Elfman leave as the woman checks Mira's eyes, ears, and temperature.

"Do you know your name?"

"Mirajane Elyssia Strauss." Her voice is still crackly and her head pounds like a war drum.

"Do you know what day it is?"

"Saturday, January 20th, 792." Mira thinks hard. She can remember the basic stuff, but she doesn't remember last night.

"Very good. Now, what do you remember from the accident?" Thinking as hard as she can remember working yesterday and then arguing with ——, and that was it.

"I worked yesterday. From 8 to 6 o'clock, that's the extent to my memory."

"Who did you work with?"

"Well Kinana was out on a mission so I worked with ——."

"Who?" Porlyusika looks at Mira. She tries to say a name, to recall a face, remember something about the person she was with, but she can't. She can't remember anything. "Describe this person."

"She...He... They had...I don't know. I don't know who they were." Tears sting her checks and roll to her ears as she stares at the ceiling.

"Do you remember anyone besides your siblings?"

Finding Us- A MiraFreed FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang