Chapter Thirty-Three: A Troubling Surprise

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Standing in the Guild Hall this morning, Mira runs her rag over the bar top, making the cherry wood finish sparkle and gleam in the florescent lights. A bright smile is plastered on her face, but its not the normal kind. She's happy from the weekend with Freed, where they massively enjoyed each other's company. So, in doing her job with this radiating smile, Cana, obviously, comes up to the bar and plops down. She looks quite, out of it. She's not wearing her normal bikini top and capri's pants. She's wearing sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, no make up, or hair done for the day. She looks like she just rolled out of bed and grabbed her purse. Which she probably did.

"Morning Cana! How are we today?" Her smile slowly fades as Cana angrily looks at her. "Can I...can I get you anything?"

"Unless you can take this baby and carry it for me, no." The brown haired woman seems highly agitated. Mira doesn't know if she should ask or just let go.

"What's wrong?" Cana cones unhinged."

"What's wrong? I'm slowly becoming a hippo! None of my clothes fit and Laxus is moronic and I just want a damn drink!" Biting her head off, Cana glares at Mira with crossed arms and wants to just drowned herself in booze.

"Cana, it'll be okay. How about we go shopping for maternity clothes." Her friend looks at her and then at her outfit.

"You really want to go through this? I've thrown up eight times today. My shoes barely fit - and they're flip flops! Laxus looks at me like I'm disgusting! And it hurts so much down there, I can't even have sex to make myself feel better!" Hold her hands up in a non-offensive, Mira backs away and pulls out a piece of Erza's strawberry cake from her stash.

"Eat this. Your baby is demanding it." She slides it across the counter so that she doesn't have to go near Cana, who may just murder her.

"Give me a damn fork." She snaps and Mira hands her one and when she takes a bite of the cake, she seems to deflate and become a little nicer. "Thank you..."

"Did you just give her my cake?!" Now Erza is off her rocker, when again when it comes to cake, she's always crazy.

"Yes, and I will replace it. With Cana not drinking, I'm over flowing in booze, but not food. So you two have to share!" They look at the smile that is still on Mirajane's face and are concerned.

"Why is she so happy?" Erza asks Cana quietly.

"She finally got laid from what I heard."

"Who did you hear that from!" Mira blows up in embarrassment. Cana rolls her eyes and slides Erza the rest of the cake and her fork. The red headed woman takes a bite and watches the exchange of attitudes.

"Who do you think? Laxus, duh! He and Freed are best friends. You didn't think Freed would keep that to himself, did you?" Her attitude is completely different after eating, it nearly shocks Mira.

"That is a personal matter that you shouldn't go around sharing." She crosses her arms and is pissed at Freed for telling Laxus. Who else did he tell?

"Would you have to me or Erza?"

"Well, that's different."

"How do you figure? Erza asks and both friends look at Mira with a curious smirk.

"Because you two were couching me in dating- I needed to give you some sort of result. And besides, you wouldn't have told anyone else in the guild."

"Are you kidding. Do you know who Cana is? She's the guild gossip. Half the gossip in Sorcerer Weekly comes from Cana's big mouth!" Erza states and Mira's eyes go wide.

"So when I told you that I going to start a singing career..."

"She spilt it like a bag of beans and that's why Jason from Sorcerer Weekly tries to get you to sing at events." Erza states and Cana just goes defensive.

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