Chapter Five: The Man Who Lived 170 Years in a Box

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Staring out at the water, Mirajane let's the salty sea air fill her nostrils as the breeze pushes through her hair. She didn't need a reunion, especially not after finding so much out about the already mystery man. Not only that but what would she even say to him?

Hey, nice to know you aren't dead?

Nice to see you lived in a box for 170 years- Good for you?

It was nice kissing you, but your lucky you didn't die from suffocation because of it?

All seem wrong. All are wrong. She can't just say the first thing that pops into her head.

"You ran off." Erza startles her out of her mind as she comes up behind her.

"Actually I walked away, but not that big of a difference to really argue with you." She tries to be funny, but it comes off snobby. Erza leans on the stone wall that keeps them from falling 50 feet into pure icey water.

"Ya know, he's asking to see you. Right?" Her heart skips a beat and Mira just turns her face away from Erza to hide her blush. "He doesn't know about both of your...uh, conditions."

"You mean the fact that we're both monsters set to destroy the world?"

"Yeah...that. His mother never told him. And she asked us not to either. He isn't ready for that kind of information, ya know?" Mira snorts out of frustration. "What?"

"She's trying to protect him? He will find out eventually when someone pays for his existence." She starts walking away down the sidewalk towards the other end of the ocean view.

"Why are you so sour all of a sudden? I thought you'd be happy you solved the puzzle and found not only your soul mate but boy toy!" Her attitude grows with every step Mira takes away from her.

"It's not all of a sudden, Erza! You don't know anything about what I've been through- what I go through every day! Why would I be happy that one more person gets to suffer like I do!?" She blows up in her face and Erza stops in her tracks. "Do you realize men, good men, have died because of me?! I was just a 14 year old girl who didn't understand- what she was."

She never knew about Mira's hidden secret.

"I seduced them. Led them to a secluded area, and ate their souls! I was powerful and unstable without a thought or care in my head! It wasn't until Makarov found out and got me started on Porlyusika's potions that stopped my monsterous outrage." Her face says it all. Erza is sorry she even bothered Mira about it. "I stand at the bar all day, smiling and serving ungrateful people because it's the easiest way to feed off their souls just enough so it doesn't kill them! Everyone automatically feels happier when they're in my presence because of what I am! I take just enough potion to subdue my urges and needs to harvest men's souls. What do you think Freed will go through?! An Inccubus is far more powerful than I am. He will kill hundreds of souls without a second thought.  He would've been better off left in that hole to die."

"But the potion..."

"The potion isn't strong enough for him. It's hopeless." Wrapping her arms around herself, Mira sinks to the ground with her back against the stone wall. The tears burn her cheeks and she can barely breathe. "We're all doomed unless Freed and I die."

"Don't talk like that! We can find a way to save you both and keep everyone else safe. There has to be a way."

"The only thing that could possible keep us going without the slightest possibility of harming someone else is if Freed and I feed off of each other for the rest of our lives. Even that is a improbable possibility." The sun is starting to set and Mira pulls out a vial of the potion she takes every day.

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