Chapter Thirty-Nine: Erza vs. Cana

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It didn't take long for Cana to confront Erza about Mirajane. The worry inside her had to be let out and Erza was the only person that Cana could talk to about it. Something was definitely off with their friend. True, losing a child can do that to you, but Cana felt it was something darker than that. When Cana brought it up to Erza, the red haired woman just smirked and sat still in her seat. She already had figured something was up with the She-Demon, she was just shocked that Cana Alberona could pick up on it. Typically, even sober, Cana was quite daffy. Whether that was natural or on purpose, she wasn't very reliable unless the facts were right in front of her. It's part of the reason Erza feels Cana and Lucy get along so well. The blonde haired bombshell could also be pretty slack when it came to personal endeavors. Like the whole Natsu thing. Oblivious. 

However, as they both sit in the Cake Cafe, Erza listens to Cana's accusations while munching on a piece of strawberry cake. It bothers Cana how relaxed Erza can be at a moment like this. 

"How aren't you getting upset about this? She's our friend and she is losing everything." Slamming her hand on the table, the cake bounces a bit and Erza growls. If that cake is knocked over or ruined even a tiny bit, she will murder Cana right here in the cafe. But the cake remains in tact, so she lets it go. 

"I am upset. The difference being is I'm trying to stay composed for my baby's health. You should start thinking the same way." She takes a bite of cake and then sets her fork down. Folding her hands over each other, she looks at Cana and wonders how she is doing with all of the baby pressure. "I am quite interested in knowing how you are dealing with your pregnancy. No problems, I hope."

"It's a pain in the ass sleeping on your left side all the time, with a bowling ball pressing down on your bladder. The cravings suck because they are usually gross, and my hair seems to be losing its beauty. This kid is taking all my nutrients and I'm about done." Her face is agitated, but her voice is still elated and happy. It's quite funny to Erza. "And what about you?"

"Oh, I'm perfect. Thank you for asking."

"You're enjoying this?" Her voice is dark and dismal. Her eyes glower, flaming hot beams at Erza, and her mouth grits her teeth in irritation.

"Indeed. Gray is actually being mature and helping out with everything. I don't have to lift a finger. Team Natsu is behaving nicely as well. They seem to be  doing jobs better, even though I don't accompany them. And I've never felt more alive." Her smile never leaves her face. Her voice is still and monotone, and her eyes are closed. Cana used to gamble quite a bit, and she knows that this girl is bluffing.

"Bullshit." She says simply, sitting back in her chair and crossing her arms, since she can't cross her legs.

"Excuse me?" Her face twists and contorts in frustration. The accusation annoys her to no end.

"I call bullshit. Gray and Natsu are still fighting- they just don't do it in front of you. Gray is simply kissing your ass so you don't kill him. And your whole body feels like a hot can of overstuffed garbage bags. You can't lie to me. I'm in the same boat. The difference here, my friend, is you don't want to admit that you hate this feeling just as much as I do."

"What! No! That's ridiculous."

"It's killing you that you have to stay back at the Guild Hall instead of fighting and feeling the rush of adrenaline. You want the thrill back. You want to be able to put everything on the line because yo get off on being reckless." Erza sits in her seat more angry at Cana, but also herself. How the hell did Cana figure her out.

"It's not fair DAMMIT! I should be out there fighting people like the badass warrior I am! But NO! Everyone is looking at me like I'm a damn delicate flower. I'm not. I'M NOT!!!!" Pounding her fist down into the table, she smashes her cake with it and Cana's eyes go so wide, she feels they will be stuck like that. Erza Scarlet, just destroyed a piece of cake. Her breath is that of a raging bull, but when the other patrons in the cafe stop talking, she slowly come back to reality. Looking down at her fist covered in cake and frosting, tears well in her eyes. And Cana knows that the poor woman is going to lose her shit. " cake."

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