Chapter Forty: Ooo, Baby Baby

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It took about a month to fully bounce back from everything that went on. Freed was beyond patient, and so was the Guild. The whole thing led Mirajane on the path of understanding, the more she sat a dwelled on it. She came to the thought that Tenshi was a forced idea, and therefore, even though they loved it and wanted him/her to exist, it was fair nor right for him to be born under pressured circumstances for Mirajane's own gain. It sounds terrible to think that's why their baby died, but it makes a lot of sense to Mira's spiritual side. 

It didn't take long for Wendy to finish that book Mira had lent her. And when Mira had asked her if she understood the circumstance of it all, all Wendy could muster up was an embarrassed little grumble before disappearing into her room. It was obvious how Wendy felt about the book's contents. It made her feel awkward, yet turned on, yet confused about what her life is turning out to be. Mira noticed her starting to avoid Romeo like the plague. Her excuses always being that she was busy helping Erza, or doing research on sky magic. Excuses that she was learning more about Grandina with Porlyusika. anything to get her away from Romeo's sight. How could she confront him when he had an erection pressed into her gut holding her hostage at the door. Alright, so that is a little bit of a dramatic way of speaking about the situation, but that's how she felt. Like he was holding a gun to her head. However the more she thinks about it pressed against her, the more she wants to know about it's specifications. How does it feel? What does it look like? Would she enjoy him using it the way she read in the book? There's no doubt she enjoys the way her stomach flips and flops around when she reads that erotic book in her room in the dead of night. There's no denying the way she loves to picture herself in place of the main character. 

It disturbs her that Mirajane of all people had this erotic book in her possession. She obviously knows that her and Freed had sex or Mira wouldn't have been expecting. However, now she wonders how much time those two have spent having sex, when she's right down the hall from them. It's a disturbing thought she wishes she could erase from her mind, but she also wants to know. She wants to know how much Mirajane enjoys Freed pleasuring her with his body. She wants to know the sounds they make when they get close to reaching their peeks. Is it anything like the book or is the book over dramatized to get you hot and bothered? It's all very annoying thinking about it. It annoys her that her curiosity on the new found subject is so high. For the last month, she has bought several more books from the bookstore in the genre of erotica. She has read now, over twenty books on the subject. The few that she has particularly liked, have made her not only feel amazing at the sight of reading them, but have also disgusted her into thinking she is some sort of sadistic freak. The ones she enjoys most of all are the ones where the girl is tied up and being tortured before fucked hard. Why does it turn her on so much? Why does she feel she wants that to happen to her? Her, Wendy, the innocent, helpful, adorable, young looking girl- who couldn't harm a house fly. She is into BDSM and it's disturbing.

"Wendy! Can I come in?" Mira calls from the other side of the door. The girl has been in her room everyday for the last week, binge reading her nasty adult books without a second thought that anyone would notice.

"Yeah!" Stuffing the latest sex book under her pillow, she goes and unlocks the door, allowing Mirajane to come in. The room is neatly kept. The light pink walls harbor pictures of animals and nature- something the Lisanna had always admired, and yet never took to her apartment with her. "Can I help you?" 

"Are you okay? You've been staying in your room a lot. Nothing happened with Romeo did it?" the girl tries to play the whole thing off innocently.

"Oh, no! I've just been busy..." Mira looks around her sister's old room and finds it's exactly the same. From under the bed, she finds the corner of a book. She goes to it and picks it up. Wendy nearly dies. "That must have been Lisanna's..."

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