Chapter Thirty-Two: Relax

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They must have slept all day because when they woke up it was already the next morning. Stirring slowly in bed, Mira can feel her body throb and ache, but in a good way. Stretching, she rolls over and finds Freed still fast asleep beside her. His face seems young and innocent, but after yesterday, she's knows he's anything but innocent. He made her feel things she never imagined. Like fireworks going off inside her body. Reaching forward, she goes to push his hair out of his face, but quickly, his hand catches hers and just pulls her straight into his embracing arms.

"Haha, Morning!" She happily says in that high octave Mira voice of hers.

"Good morning to you too." Immediately, he has her pinned underneath the blankets and she can see his perfectly chilled body from head to toe. Looking at his chest, she sees the four long scars from Kaze so many months ago. Putting her hand on them, she internalizes the feeling and then smiles up at him. "How are you feeling?"

He asks while he starts kissing her jaw and neck.

"A lil sore, but I'm fine. What about you?" Her hands play in his long hair and Freed just smiles boyishly.

"Perfect. Better than ever." His kisses start their trail and Mira is in heaven, but her mind is somewhere else.

"Freed...we slept the entire day yesterday. We need to actually get up and do something today. First off, a shower and breakfast..." Catching her lips, he keeps her from continuing. Without a second to catch her breath, Freed stands up and carries her to the bathroom. They make out while he heats up the shower and when it's warm enough they step inside. He lathers her body up with soap and she his. They rinse off together and do each other's hair. She can tell he is very thorough in this part of the shower routine, because he takes his time in gently combing his soapy fingers through her hair and gently massaging her scalp. She wants to do the same to him, but unfortunately he's so particular that he just does it himself. So as he washes his hair that comes down passed his ass, Mira presses wet kisses to his chest. After rinsing out his hair of soap and conditioner, his hands slide down Mira's wet body and his tongue voraciously in her mouth. Mira is curious about his body. She didn't actually get to touch his member yesterday. She looks down at it and wonders what it feels like. Freed notices this.

"You can touch it..." His voice is low and his hands just brush through her hair and over her shoulders and chest. Looking down at it, it's limp at the moment. It just hangs there looking long and sad. Slowly reaching for it, she takes it in her hand and it's slippery from the water. She wonders how exactly one gets him hard. She pulls on it and he winces. " this."

Taking her hand, he gently wraps it around his member and shows her how to stroke it. At first it's just loose skin moving back and forth on essentially a hanging rope. But after a few strokes, it starts getting harder and Mira feels like it's magic. She looks up at him in amazement like she just did something outstanding. He holds back a laugh and plays with her breasts as the water continues raining on them.

"Does this...feel nice?" She asks innocently. Freed nods his head and feels her breasts in his hand.

"It feels wonderful." She continues moving her hand up and down his dick. She wonders what else she can do with this.

"Freed, what else feels good?" She looks at him and he blushes and looks away slightly.

"Well, you lick it or suck it." She looks down at his hard friend in her hand and realizes that it would be similar as what he did to her, but he doesn't have a clitoris so it's throwing her off on how it makes him feel good. Getting down on her knees, she is face to face with it and looks up at him. He nearly dies at how sexy this looks with her on her knees and his dick in her hand. Looking back at his penis, she decides that she might as well try. Leaning forward, she plants a small kiss on the top of his dick and it moves slightly and involuntarily. She pulls back. Looking up at Freed, he smiles warmly at her and she figures she should do it again. She kisses him again and then slowly puts her mouth around him. Freed shutters at the initial touch. He backs up and leans against the wall. Mira follows and continues to, essentially, make out with his dick. "Oh, yes....hggghnm."

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