Chapter Nineteen: Reality

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Cana and Erza ended up spending the night with Mira. Her showering experience was beyond embarrassing- mainly because she wouldn't stand still, but also because at one point Cana and Erza has to end up taking a shower with her which lead them falling together into a naked pile of awkwardness. When they got her into bed, after wrangling her into the minimum of panties and a t-shirt- she pleaded with them to stay the night with her because she didn't want to be alone.

So as Lisanna and Evergreen come in this morning to wake up her sister, they find not one, but three fully grown women spooning on the single wide bed. Cana is next to the wall, one leg over Mira's waist and her arm gently across her chest- hair everywhere, Mira is doing a similar hold on Erza, who is on the end and nearly falling off. Taking out their camera, Lisanna snaps a picture of the three friends, who are all just sporting panties and t-shirts without the blanket over them. The snap of the camera wakes them all up, and one by one a freak out occurs, sending Erza onto the floor, Mira sitting up and covering up with the only pillow, and Cana just yawning happily in the same position while stretching.

"It's moments like these that make me wonder why you're single Mira-nee. Haha." Lisanna giggles and Mira throws the pillow at her.

"You better year that picture up, Lisanna! I'm in no mood for my shit to be broadcasted to the world!" Her voice is angry, her eyes puffy and dull- Mirajane is in full hangover mode. She's never talked to Lisanna like that, except when they were younger, and even then it was more playful and motherly than mean big sister.

"I was wondering if you'd be hungover or not. Haha, this is too good. Ever and I just wanted to wake you up and tell you we're heading out on a mission today. We'll be back in four days." Lisanna runs out of the room and Evergreen just follows with a smirk on her face. Growling, Mira lays back in bed on her backside and covers her face with her arms. It isn't until she feels Cana run her toe up her leg that she looks at the brown haired girl laying on her side with her arm propping her up.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Cana mocks and Mira just starts slapping her. "Ow! Demon! No!"

"What'd you two do! Why do I feel so terrible!" Mira stops hitting Cana and stands up. She's a bit wobbly still and her head is pounding. She holds the sides of her head by her temples and closes her eyes, praying the pain away.

"Us? You totally went war hammer on the hard liquor. True, we should have put a stop to it, but at the same time- it was rather, intriguing." Pushing her hair out of her face, Cana sits up and looks at Erza, who's still just laying on the ground, staring at the ceiling with one leg over the other.

"Shit! My date with Freed! I missed it!" Mira starts to get dressed and Erza sits up.

"Yeah...we should probably tell you..."

"Tell me what? What happened Erza?!" She turns and faces the scarlet haired woman who seems rather relaxed even with the intensity that her friend is omitting into the room.

"He kinda...ya know...."

"Called off the date." Cana finishes and Erza glares at her with the face of 'you're not helping' and Cana shifts so she's not looking at either girl now.

"What!" Panic sets in. Anger. Frustration. More anger.

"Now Mira, it sounds bad, but he did say that the date was just going to be low's that."

"Cana! Shut up." Erza stands up and tries to calm her friend, who is now pacing and holding her head.

"This cannot be happening. I was so drunk last night that I don't even remember what happened after that wine." The two girls watch their friend pace and can feel her blood boiling. "What happened?!"

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