Chapter Sixteen: Sweet Revenge

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What should have been an easy fix, turned into a tornado of chaos. When word got around that Mira was molested- the Guild turned into a man hunt for Kaze. Gray confronted him before the others could get to him. It didn't quite end well. What no one knew, not even Gray, is that Kaze Shinzuka is actually a vampire. It makes more sense to Mira now. He manipulated her into doing things she wouldn't normally do. In fact, she remembers him from that attack back in January. She would have totally been lost on him, if she didn't feel it in his last kiss. She could taste the demonic soul in him. Feel his horrid nature. His aura was off.

When Gray went to confront him, he nearly lost his life. Kaze thrashed Gray around his apartment and sent him out the window. Before Gray could go back up and kick his ass, Kaze was already gone. It irritated Gray that he never knew. Once he spoke to the guild and told them that the creature was gone, they were still angry, but decided against going after him. Mira is as Cana predicted- worse. She doesn't leave her home. She refuses to talk to people. What she once used to dread, she now wants more than ever: loneliness, pure loneliness. Lisanna tries to get her out of her room, but she doesn't leave it. She doesn't eat the meals her siblings make her. She just stays in her room all day. Wasting away to nothing. Elfman cries at her door, hoping he'll be let in, but she doesn't even respond.

Walking around town, Freed notices Lucy walking solo through the streets. Going up to her, he asks about the rumors he's been hearing about Mira's attack. He just got back into town and the rumors flooded his ears like mosquitos in a swamp.

"It was a vampire." Lucy sadly says and Freed furrows his eyebrows. "Gray said he got away from him. He's really powerful apparently.

"Is Mira alright?" His voice is laced with concern and sadness.

"No one knows. She doesn't leave her room ever. She's stopped eating. Talking. She just stays up there all day by herself. It's gotten to the point that no one even knows if she's still..." Lucy starts to cry and Freed just folds his arms around her. "This is all your fault you know. If you would have never left her, she wouldn't have been sad. She wouldn't have accidentally put that curse on you both and she wouldn't be this depressed."

Freed pulls away. Looking at Lucy, he doesn't understand.

"What curse?"

"She sang a song thinking it was harmless. It was about you and her getting together, making love and then you told her you had a girlfriend who loves flowers but you both continued to cheat. You'd marry the girl and Mira would end up alone feeling guilty. She didn't think it would come true. It was just a stupid song!" Her tears are more erratic and Freed furrows his brows.

"I'm not cursed, Lucy. I'm not marrying anyone."

"Cana said you were dating the florist, Yuffie."

"We went on a few dates, but it turns out she actually likes Droy. She asked me to hook her up with him and I did. I was at my mother's house in Hargeon trying to make sense of a few things. Then I did a quick quest and I come back to Magnolia hearing a rumor that Mira got attacked by some guy. Why didn't anyone contact me?" He's angry and Lucy only wishes people weren't so stupid.

"We didn't think you were single or cared for her that way any more."

"Where did this guy go?"

"The last place everyone checked was south. His name is Kaze Shinzuka." Freed growls and starts running toward the south end of town. Lucy doesn't understand. "Where is he going?"

He runs for hours until he comes to an Inn outside of town by the the forest. He was here last night and he heard the name Kaze being mentioned by someone. Going in, he finds some people at a bar and others hanging around the lounge. Going up to the front desk, he finds a bellhop reading a magazine.

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