Chapter Twelve: Fortunes Tell All

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She had that stupid grin on her face for nearly a whole day. She stayed at home and sat in her room trying to figure out how to break her own enchantment. Although, she wasn't entirely sure how to do it, it needed to be done quickly. But she kept thinking about his soft, thin lips against hers and his body pushed against her own- feeling his angst. Her body shivers just thinking about it. But it wasn't real.

So walking to the Guild Hall today, she tries to take only side streets to avoid a run in with boy wonder. Her mind still reeling on that kiss. When he kissed her stomach, she nearly died. It burnt her skin in the cooling air on that March day.  Oh how she wants to relive it. Apart of her mind goes to a dirty place- wanting him to kiss lower, and lower. If she thinks hard enough she can feel him there, between her legs, kissing...

"Mmm..." She moans with her eyes slightly shut and runs smack dab into someone. "Sorry...."

To her worst luck, she proves herself in a rather hard predicament. Having trying to avoid him- Fate pushed her into his presence single handily. She curses herself even more. The man, who seems rather relaxed, turns slightly in his posture to get a better look at the woman that had disrupted his conversation with a pink haired girl. His face beams at the sight of Mirajane, who seems too nervous to even look at him.

"Mira, nice of you to run into me. Relatively speaking of course." His voice is crisp and his fragrance fills the air around the small throng of people. "One second, Dear."

Mira furrows her brows in response to his "endearing" pet name. He turns back towards the pink haired girl, who's slightly overweight with thick glasses and bangs that hang in her face. Mira can't help but think that she's quite pretty. Despite what most men and some women would think. Shallow people.

"If you could arrange that for me Yuffie, I will forever love you." Freed holds the woman at arms length and Mira can see her blush. This poor girl is being led on by a man who would normally pass her by without a second thought. It makes her mad. If Freed could be a little bit more mindful of how he talks and treats people- many would have no problem with him. He wouldn't come off so arrogant.

"Of course, Freed. I will do it right away." Yuffie's voice is full of delight and her hands clutch tightly to her purse. Leaning down, Freed whispers in the girl's ear and then kisses her cheek. The world seems to light up for this poor girl and now Mira feels even more angry. She starts walking passed Freed who gently pulls away from the pink haired girl.

"Mirajane, wait. I've been wanting to talk to you." His voice is less hypnotic than it was with the girl.

"I really haven't anything to say Freedom." She uses his full first name and it makes him scrunch his face up. Only his parents called him that. It is quite odd hearing it from someone like Mira.

"What's with the formality?" Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he flicks his head to the side, knocking his swooping bangs out of his eyes.

"What do you want? I need to get to work." She snaps at him and he just stops and tugs on Mira's arm, pulling her from her route and into his arms. "Freed!"

"What is going on? I'm just trying to have a conversation and I just...did I do something to upset you?" His hold on Mira is light. She could walk away...if she really wanted too, but she can't. She seems frozen to her spot. This man has that effect on her. He makes her feel the need to be close to him. It hurts to fight what she truly wants.


"Then why are you giving me the cold shoulder? Not to mention how you acted yesterday."

"How I acted?!" She rips her arms from his grip. He seems surprised in her doing so.

"Yes- you know exactly what I'm talking about." The street is relatively bare, but what few people are there, they are watching the blow out. Shaking her head, Mira doesn't want to be a sideshow.

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