Chapter Twenty-Three: We All Go Home Eventually

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It was a horrible sight.

It was something from a horror story.

Her body bruised and bloody.

Her hair dingy- not its pure white.

They cried when he carried her body back through the Guild Hall doors. Elfman and Lisanna stuck on his heels as he barked orders at the other patrons. The whole time, his shaking as he held tight to her limp motionless body that was heavy with dead weight.

Porlyusika and Wendy worked hard.

Their skills nearly no match for the task.

He never left her side.

He never stopped praying.

He never stopped watching her.

Days without sleep. Nights of pure longevity and pain.

But he remained there.

He watched her.

He prayed.

He never left.


One morning, it had proven to much for everyone.

His body rocks back and forth in his seat as he sits by her bedside and mumbles pray after pray into his clasped hands. Stubble had began to grown on his face, his clothes excessively wrinkled, a small, slight stench that many ignored due to the situation- lingers around him. His eyes, consistently held open and blood shot.

But he doesn't leave.

"How's our girl?" Erza walks in with Cana and Freed shakes his head, and doesn't look at them.

"Tired. She's just tired is all." Cana sadly looks at Erza, she knows well enough that there's not a miracle in the world to change what's happened to their friend.

"'s been a week." Erza says as she comes closer. Their dear friend, covered in a blanket up other neck, lays in bed stiff as a board and unmoving.

"She's coming home... she's just tired. She doesn't sleep well. I know she's going to wake up soon. I know it." His voice is childish in nature. Naive and full of pain- it breaks the women's hearts. For the first time, he allows himself to cry. The girls see this stream of a tear slide down his left cheek and settle in the crook of his neck.

"Freed...Wendy and Porlyusika did all they can do..." Erza knows she's had to be brave and authoritative, but truthfully it's killing her inside. She already had to be by Elfman and Lisanna who they had to coax out of guilt and shame for sending their sister on that ridiculous mission.

"She's going to wake up. I made it just in time in the woods. I heard what she said and I can't accept anything less than her coming back to me. She wants me to be happy...can't she understand that can't happen unless she's head with me?! I love her...." His heart breaks into more pieces and Cana just comes over and holds his shaking body from behind. He cries harder upon impact

"She's coming back...I know she is. She loves you!" Now Cana is crying and Erza wishes she would have come alone. Master Makarov told her today that they needed to say goodbye to Mira. Porlyusika has already decreed it based on science and the fact that there is no sign or life in her- barely even a pulse, which could just be her magic energy draining. She was given the task of breaking the news to Freed, and Cana wanted to come a support her in that- she promised she'd be composed- but it obviously backfired.

"Enough!" Erza bursts. Cana lifts her head off of Freed's back and they just look at her with tears in their eyes. "I love her too, but she needs to go home! To the Celestial King! She can't do that if you two are keeping her soul here! You need to give her a chance. You need to let her soul be at peace. She's suffered long enough. Don't let it continue."

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