Chapter Eighteen: First Date... With Help: That Isn't Helpful

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It took a while, but Mira finally got comfortable again with people besides Freed. At first, she would start to cry and shake the second he left her to do her work as he sat in the back of the Guild Hall, doing nothing, just in case she needed him. Then once comfortable with that, Wendy took his place while he and the Thunder Legion went out. It was hard transitioning from Freed to Wendy, but soon enough Mira was attached at the hip with her. It was a set back. She was only supposed to count on Wendy twice a day to break her OCD of not being alone. But she would frequently call out to Wendy, who would happily sit at the bar and converse with her as she served other patrons of Fairy Tail.

When Freed found out about this through Cana, he scolded Wendy- in a nice way- saying that it's making her worse not better. Wendy couldn't help mollycoddling Mira. So Freed then pushed Macao on her- which was ten times worse than Wendy. Macao wouldn't only be next to Mira all day- he would do her job while praising her for being a big girl. Macao was shortly let go after that. After a few different test runs with others- Loke, Max, Erza, Lucy, and Elfman- Freed decided it was easier if he just did it himself. Mira was slightly upset because he was tough on her. She'd cry out for him multiple times, but he would shake his head and stay in his seat. She tried going to him, but he would put up a Rune barrier so she couldn't get with in 30 feet of him. It was hard punishing her this way, but eventually, she stopped calling for him or trying to come over. And after about a month, she was back to her old self. Freed took the runes down and proceeded on with his quests.

Standing behind the bar this morning, Mira cleans her plates and steins- happy to feel back to normal. Her friends come and visit her and a note ends up on her bar top addressed to her.

I would like to cordially invite you on a date tonight. Be ready at 6:30 and I'll pick you up at your home.
Yours truly,

Setting the letter down, Mira jumps and giggles like a little girl and Cana who has just finished her barrel, looks at her curiously.

"What kind of ants are in your pants today?" She belches and Mira sneers at the gross sound and then smiles happily again.

"Freed's taking me on a date tonight!"

"Isn't this your first ever?" That is a nail in the tire. Mira slowly looses her excitement and looks at Cana with despair and gloom.

"Yes...I don't know what I'm doing." Finding her way up to the bar, Erza just sits down and wonders what all the fuss is about.

"Why does she look tormented?"

"It's gonna be her first date ever with Freed and she doesn't know what to do or expect." Cana reiterates and grabs the next barrel herself from behind the bar.

"Oh, I see. Well, do you want some tips and advice?" Widening her eyes, Mira nearly drags Erza over of the bar.

"Please! Help me!" Releasing herself from Mira's grip, Erza unequips her armor and puts on a simple black cocktail dress. Cana just nods her head and smiles with a 'nicely done' look on her face.

"First, you'll want an outfit like this. It's casual but says you're ready for a party." Mira raises an eyebrow and looks at her normal dress she hasn't worn in quite a while.

"What's wrong with this dress?"

"Your dress just screams- I'm in the kitchen not worrying about the bedroom." Cana says saucily and Mira is still confused.

"She means you don't look like you want to get laid. Which is ultimately your goal, but never on the first date." Erza clearly states and goes through her inventory and finds a deep blue strapless cocktail dress and hands it to Mira. "This should work for you. I bought it a while ago on a whim and never wore it."

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