Chapter Seven: Breathless

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She explained it all. Why she is scared of him. Why she is avoiding him. Why it's dangerous. Apparently, Makarov didn't tell him about it at all yesterday. He just talked to Freed about what he did the last two weeks and where he was going to reside. They sit in silence, besides a few coughs here and there, but they don't look at each other.

"I...I know it's a lot to take in, but..."

"You thought I would hurt you?" His voice is innocent and childish and his eyes never leave the floor. Mira lays her head on her left shoulder, stretching her neck and then sits up straight.

"Yes...only because I know how unstable we can get when we aren't subdued."

"You're one too? And Inccubus?" She giggles a bit. He looks up at her, confused.

"Haha in the female version. A Succubus. And yes. I know how hard this must be to hear, but it's dangerous to be what we are. We unwilling feed off of people's souls and suck the life force right out of them. We make them sad when we're gone and happy when we're around. They fall in love with us..."

"So that's what this is." He states as if he understands.

"Is what? What are you talking about?"

"This feeling of deep love I have for you. It explains everything. Why I can't breath around you and why I feel the way I do!" Mira blushes and looks at her folded hands in her lap.

"I'm inccubi and succubi, can't change emotions in each must be mistaken." Getting out of his seat, he kneels beside the bed and grabs her hands.

"It must be you! Or else I wouldn't feel so in love with you right? And I am. I am in love with you, Mirajane. You must be controlling me somehow." Her heart jumps into her throat and her stomach twists.

"I'm telling you the truth Freed. If you do feel that way, it's on your own accord. No influence from me." She waves her hands in front of her chest to signal she's not doing it.

"Then...then, I love you, just because...I love you?" Their eyes meet and she can see it. That special sparkle in his eyes. The sparkle she sees in Lisanna and Elfman when they see Evergreen and Bixlow. His feels are true. Which makes her feel even more out of place. It hurts her stomach.

"I guess so...which I'm flattered and all, but..."

"You have a boyfriend." He pours in jealousy and Mira laughs. "Go ahead, laugh at me. It's not fair. I've only had a disadvantage for 170 years being trapped in a box. The only reason I manifested was because I heard your beautiful laugh and saw your gorgeous face."

She chokes on a cough and beats on her chest to release the air. He so honest right now. More honest than he ever was before and it takes her breath away.

"I don't have a boy friend. You just got so over protective. It just reminded me of my friend..."

"Juvia, yeah I know her. Remember?" Straightening up, she pulls her knees to her chest. The duvet covers on the top of them. Freed stands up beside the bed and looks down at her. "I feel angry at people I don't even know. Like when those fans of yours bombard you with flowers. That freak from last night. Or, Makarov when he's alone with you."

"That's jealousy, Freed. That's the inccubi's go to emotion when they feel threatened by other males. Even ones who aren't around. Your jealousy is stronger than humans'. You gotta be careful or you could really hurt someone." Mira informs him and notices his clenched fist turning white around his knuckles. Taking his fist in her hand, she wishes she didn't have to do this, it could end badly, but she holds it close to her heart. "It's gonna be hard, but all your emotions will be stronger than human's. You have to learn to control them. Sometimes you may lose control, but it's important that you never harm anyone. If you feel like you're going too, run away and hide somewhere safe for a while until you calm down. At least until Porlyusika can get you started on potions like me."

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