3:16 PM (still Saturday)

50 4 0

Sometimes I'd look up into the night sky and marvel at the diamonds littering the darkness.
If this wasn't already known to you diamonds are formed as allotrope of the element carbon at depths more than 90 miles. The pressure and heat at this depth is very important to the formation of diamonds (which we mine at the surface of the Earth).
Beautiful stones that are worth millions only exist today because of the pressure and heat from the depth of 90 miles underground. The only way to become what you're meant to be is by going though pressure and heat in your life. Without it you should stay the same. Without growth and changed perspective. Sometimes it can seem like there is no end is sight, yet I can promise you that without a doubt in my mind that there is an end.
Now I do realize that those are not diamonds at all, but stars. Astronomers in the U.S. believe that they have figured out how starts are formed through clouds of gas. All stars are created by the gravitational collapse of large molecular clumps.
I realized that at times in life we feel as though the world around us (one that is seems is the only one that we've ever known) is collapsing before our very eyes. We can feel like we ourselves will collapse under the pressure of (possibly ourselves) everything. It can feel hard to breath and you just want evening to stop.
Sometimes you have to break before you can build yourself up even stronger than before. I personally know that it is a very difficult processes (one that took months for me), but after the dust settles mostly everything will become clear. It's only after the storm is over you can learn to appreciate the rain and the wind. For it makes you stronger.

Keep in mind that although I don't know any of you personally I love you and am here for you. Sometimes you just need a good talk/rant. I'm always here. Post on my message board or PM (private message) me.
- <3 _killjoy_4_life_

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