10:08 PM (Tuesday)

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Isn't _killjoy_4_life_ an odd username? Why would I choose that username when I could have millions of others? Well, like many of you mine has a very good reason behind it. Yet this one takes a little back story to explain before it makes complete sense.

My favorite band (if you haven't guessed by now is) My Chemical Romance. 2001-2013 are no longer a "band", but they are still an idea.

Their last album is titled Danger Days: The Live Of The Fabulous Killjoys and along with it a comic book series was published as well. The story behind the album is a futuristic world set in California 2019 were the government (aka Better Living Industries or BL/ind) has taken over and created a city (Battery City, bat city...) "a shining utopia free of decisions and emotions".

The rebels who call themselves Killjoys fight against the BL/ind to bring truth and freedom to the people of Bat City. Often they wear outrageous clothing, crazy masks and many if them dye their hair bright colors. Everything about the Killjoys is bright where everything in Bat City is black and white.

The Fabulous four (band members also know by their alter egos as Party Poison, Kobra Kid, Fun Ghoul, and Jet Star) end up dying to save the life of a young girl who they'd taken under their wing.

Keep in mind that there are so many details to California 2019

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Keep in mind that there are so many details to California 2019. The reason why my username is what it is because of these Killjoys. They fought for what they believed in to the very end. Black use to be considered dangerous, but now what is dangerous if not black? Color.

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