4:41 PM (Thursday)

15 0 0

Today I've been thinking of the Internet and how censored everything is. The good and the bad. Why is that? Things have always been this way, (there's proof in History of it) but why must they stay the same...? 
I understand why the bad is censored so much. Who wants to see the horrors of humanity? Yet we cannot let ignorance become us...

Ignorance is bliss. I can understand how other can see Ignorance this way, but I don't believe it. With Ignorance comes no change which we can't have. Especially in a world that is always changing right before our very eyes.

Here's another thing:
I sometimes think about how (almost) everything we read is biased. Isn't it odd to think about? I mean it makes sense because everyone has been though different things though out their lives. 

Do you readers have any thoughts on this? Sorry, I've been busy today so it's not very long. 

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