10:15 PM (Tuesday)

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Yesterday I had a panic attack, yet this time I was able to control it better than I did a few weeks ago (see post "Panic"). Which I'm proud of.

Today was filled with homework and meetings. I'm so tired and worn out. It doesn't help that I hate to be at home..

Anyways this isn't meant to be a pity party kind of book. Rather one filled with lessons. So, if you're experiencing any kind of panic try the following:
-Focus on deep breathing
-Try the grounding technique (look for 5 things and list them off, touch 4 different objects, hear 3 different sounds, smell/taste 2 different things and end with 1 breath. Start the process over again if needed).
-Don't think about your emotions (that are haywire) or what is causing you to panic
-Talk with someone or have someone talk to you
-Distractions of any kind

These things posted above have helped me numerous times in my life. *Note that many of them take practice.

Panic attacks is like the danger of a lion as it chases you, yet there's no lion.

If you ever want to chat, I'm here. Although I stress that I'm not a professional although I could point you in the right direction.

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