3:32 PM (Friday)

15 1 0

Today someone I know made a comment that made me think, really think about things in life. For instance when a car breaks you first have to find the problem and then fix it. In doing this you may have to break the car even more to turn it into something that it should be. 

In life you have to break things in order to fix them. This is not always the case, but I have found this to be true. I had to become everything I feared in order to get better and it was a long process for me. 

Now only a few months later (although it feels a lot longer) I am better. I newer version of myself. 2.0 if you will. I know that I have many things to learn in life and that this is just the beginning. I like to think that I'm ready for anything that gets thrown at me.

Although I know that's not exactly true... 

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