10:53 PM (Sunday)

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I know I'm sinking into depression once again. Once again I don't want to stop myself. I haven't taken my meds in months... I know- *looks down at my hands* I'm disappointed in myself too.

In my mother's heartfelt words, "you're crazier when you're off your meds". I should take them, but I hate that my parents pay for meds so their only daughter can be fucking normal like the rest of our fucked up society!

I'm so fucking done. I hate living here with that man I'm suppose to call my father! I hate that I'm living with my demons day in and day out! I hate that I'm so fucking weak! I hate that I've had two breakdowns in the space of a week! I hate everything about this situation I'm suck in! I hate that my opinion isn't worth shit because I'm a fucking Teenager!

I'm angry because when I'm not I'm crying or stuck inside my head. I'm so fucking tired with all of this... I just wanna sleep for a long time... wake me up when September ends?


I know sleeping won't fix anything but I don't want to deal with any of it right now...

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