506 PM (Thursday)

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This week has been kinda crazy... So here I am once again writing an entry. 

Look, I know that my life isn't that hard, but it hasn't been that easy either. I've lost loved ones (we all have), struggled with different Mental Illnesses, and been bullied. My reason for telling you all this isn't for pity, I'm not looking for it. I'll explain everything soon enough. 

If you saw me in real life you'd see a 5'3 teenager who is (mostly) happy and extroverted. You'd see her helping others, regardless of what she had been doing moments before. She'd (occasionally) raise her hand in class and have shaking hands when giving a presentation in front of her peers. She's tell you to fuck off if you messed with her friends or family members or yell at you to shut up. She's be singing at the top of her lungs to her favorite songs as she played them uncaring for who heard. 

It's not easy to spot those who are struggling with Mental Illnesses, so if you see someone who's struggling help them, put your arm around them, tell them they're loved or that it'll be okay.

I wished someone would've done those for me (and many more) when I was really down. It's called Mental Illness for a reason. The problem isn't the person, rather it's the chemicals in their mind. 

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