10:14 PM (Sunday)

19 2 0

Sometimes the best of things break your heart once they're gone and other times you don't feel anything aft all. It makes me wonder: Did I ever even care?
I believe that I did care to an extent. After all he did keep me afloat in the sea of turmoil.

When we were together was it worth it?
I think not because he cheated on me. After I broke it off he asked if we could get back together. I flat out told him no. Months before I would've had the hardest time saying no to him because I know what some of the consequences could be, but (five months ago when it was happening) now I wasn't the same girl I used to be.
I once heard that relationships in high school are more of an emotional crutch than anything. We are in that particular relationship at that moment not because we're planning on marrying them (or really in love), but rather because we need someone to lean on who we know will always be there for us.
Even now as I sit here in class glancing over at you I think of these things. Honestly I don't miss us together because it wasn't a healthy relationship and for the love of God's it wasn't love. We don't text and we hardly talk as it is and as bad as this sounds (although he will never hear/read this) I'm okay with that.

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