Lived More Lives Than I...

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"Want to know something about me? I've lived more lives than I can count. I've been a lover racing to the end of the Earth for the one I love, a paranoid alcoholic who witnessed the murder of her neighbour, a young girl who believe that her dead mother is still alive, a teenage boy who was sick and watched as his love died from the same sickness, and many more of whose lives I've lived.

"Each one just as unique and complex as the last. All of them are books that I've read over the years. Who knew that one could learn so much from reading a simple book? I know that. I have family that hate reading-they see it as a chore-while I could read for days on end.

"Reading is one of the things I could never quite give up. One of the many symptoms of Depression is the unattainable pleasure in activities one used to find enjoyable. For me everything except music and (somehow) books were all I found pleasurable in that dark place. Even though I hardly read (for music became my lifeline) I still appreciated it and found it (somewhat) enjoyable.
Odd isn't it?

"Don't let the trials of life drain the pleasure out of hobbies or interests. You deserve better, we all do. If you're currently struggling with Depression or any other mental illnesses I encourage you to get help, immediately. I promise that it can't wait. The sooner you get help the better.

This is Phoenix Witch signing off..."

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