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In the black and white world we live in today I find that fragments of myself have been left behind...

These "fragments" are parts of me, most of which I don't show. After all who wants to see a struggling angry teenager who walks amongst them? No one.

The struggle isn't as bad as it once was, I'm better now. But my point still remains.

-People who have pass through my life know me as the energetic talkative girl who is kind and always lending a hand.
-Others know me as the girl who broke down at school (sobbing, rocking back and forth, hyperventilating, while banging her head against the brick wall).
-Some see the quiet girl who told off her classmates to shut up because they were being too loud and wouldn't stay quiet.

All of these moments are fragments of me, the quiet, outgoing, broken girl.

All of these are me, yet at the same time none are. My past once had power over me. It kept me hostage for far too long and I've learned to set it free. (Metaphorically) set your past ablaze if you must. It must not have the ability to control your future! You deserve more, in fact we all do.

Remember those fragments are no longer you.

Poems and Rants Of A KilljoyWhere stories live. Discover now