Confession #1

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I have a confession to make...

I know I preach about a world that needs changing and how we all need to be aware, need to be awake, but I block out the world constantly myself. Rather than paying attention to everything I put my earbuds in during class and in the hallways of school, "armed" with my music playing loudly I walk between people. Sometimes I watch everything and others I'm asleep. 

This confession-I feel ashamed to even write these words... but it's the truth. An ugly one. I'm sorry that I've let you down (somehow) and (without a doubt) myself. I know that I need to be awake but sometimes I can't be... Recently I've been asleep as I go though out my day. Unaware of the world around me. Which I realize isn't a bad thing all the time, but I feel as though there's a "war" that's coming and I need to be prepared.

Now you know... you now know a part of the real me and (for once) not the online one. We are the same, yet on here I'm full of motivation for good (while that isn't always the case when my username is taken away). 


Well, uh, this is my confession. 

Poems and Rants Of A KilljoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz