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Want to know something about me? I'm a f*cking Liar

We all lie in life, but recently (in the past few months) I've done it quite a bit. Lying isn't that bad you say? 

I lie to deceive and not in the horrible way that most instantly think of. It's more in a way to protect myself? Yes, that's a good way of putting it...

I've learned that there are times in my life when lying to others wasn't the smartest move ever and (in the end) caused me more pain. I lied about my struggles saying that was okay when I wasn't. This decision to keep my struggles to myself (when they were serious) only led me to the edge of suicide.           This is not an edge you want to be near. I was ready to die, more than ready in fact. Yet others around me were not ready for my absences of life.

Lying isn't always the answer to problems. 

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