11:37 PM (Saturday)

16 0 0

Prom night.
The night I've been dreading... All in all it wasn't horrible, but I'm so done with everything that has to do with Logan. He was way too touchy for my taste. It seemed that he always had to be touching me and yes I understand that it was a date and that's how dates are. This one wasn't enjoyable.

In fact a few minutes ago he texted me, reminding me that I'm a drug to him. How does he not see a problem with it?

I just want to be done with his problems because they're not mine to deal with. I feel a little bad that I'm sick of him, but honestly he wears me out.

The next step in the plan is to slowly detach myself from him, possibly change classes so I won't see him.
What do you think of that?

Is it too much?

Am I being too rash about the whole thing?

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