2:24 PM (Monday)

20 1 0

Most days (like today) I'm tired after school and it's all because each night I struggle to get sleep. I'm sure that there are others who really can't sleep, so my problem isn't that big of a deal. After all I'm use to it. I can run on less than 5 hours of sleep just fine. Which is what I'd like to talk about.

Fact: Average amount of sleep for teenagers is between 7 and 7 1/2.

Fact: Teenagers need between 8 and 8 1/2.

An hour isn't that much of a difference right? Wrong.

Not getting enough sleep affects the following: Brains ability to retain memory, develop a greater concentration of beta amyloid (a toxic protein that s linked to Alzheimer's disease), and blood pressure can rise.

"We know that after you've been awake for 19 or 20 hours, your mental capacity is so impaired that you would be as deficient as someone who was legally drunk behind the wheel of a car" Barr, S. (1/11/18) Wakefulness essentially is low-level brain damage.

Keep in mind that there are more effects to not getting enough sleep and that these are a few of the worse ones. Not all of them are this bad. My intentions were not to scare you into getting more sleep (personally I hate it when others use scare tactics), but to inform you of the consequences of the choices that you make. In my opinion everyone has the right to know of the consequences before the decide their choice of action. My conclusion is that all teenagers are sometimes (if not always) sleep deprived. We need to fix this...

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