10:20 PM (Sunday)

13 1 0

Words float inside my head like a life raft in the middle of a lake. A lake that appears calm on the surface, yet below is treacherous. The conditions slowly unravel even the strongest of minds leaving them screaming for death.
A death that will never come as the victims are found washed up on shore days later. Broken is what they have become. A hallow shell of a body.
When you say you wonder what it's like inside my mind I'd smile and replied, "It's boring." That of course is a lie, but I figured that if a lie could save you then I'd die a liar.

I'd always seen depression as this horrible monster that I needed to fight alone. For the fear of it getting out and infecting others was to great to bare. Because of this I kept it hidden for so long and broke myself in order to "save others". In the end I couldn't keep it together as I was on the brink of suicide.
It tore me apart. I kept thinking that everyone knew I wasn't going to make it to the end of the week. Hell, I even knew it. Yet here I am. Months later still alive and breathing.

Poems and Rants Of A KilljoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang