4:04 PM (Thursday)

8 0 0

I think I fucked up Aaron's life by ending our relationship last May. I was just on the phone with a friend of mine who knows him. As she was reading aloud the texts between the two of them I realized what it did to him. For me the ending of the relationship was the healthy thing to do, but for him, well he's changed (and not for the better). 

Like I said before it was infatuation not love. If I'm seeing it this way then it was a good thing.... I can see that he's struggling, but I feel as though it's no longer my place to try to help him. After all I did step out of his life. 

I've decided that relationships in high school are a bad idea. As teenagers we're too young to understand love or commitment completely. Relationships are not all about the physical side of things, there's the emotional side too. Which is equally important. 

I let things from my past get to me. It seems that I can't seem to let things go... They keep reappearing in my life like some sort of twisted magic trick. I've gotten better at letting things go and I've grown more of a backbone. It wasn't for nothing. 

Maybe I need to speak to him face to face about everything? Because we never had  the official break up scene filmed (unlike everything else). It never happened. Maybe this is a second chance at ending things the right way? 

I'm not sure... I'll have to think on this one and get back to you on it. 

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